
xv6c is the implementation of containers in MIT's xv6 (re-implementation of Unix version 6)

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


xv6c aims to containerize xv6 to provide resource and process isolation. Containers can be manipulated with the administrative user level program ctool. Containers ensure that processes not inside the root container can touch other processes (for example, piping and killing). Further, a process running in folder X cannot access memory outside of its folder. xv6c also ensures that containers don't exceed their resource limits. If they do, they are killed.


Creating a container:

	ctool create <name> -p <max proc> -d <max disk> -m <max mem> [program 1 ... program N]

The user specifies what they would like to name the container. This name is also the directory in which the container will live. The user also specifies what files will be copied into the directory, the maximum number of processes, disk space, and memory it can use.

Starting a container:

	ctool start <virtual console> <name> <program> [arg 1 ... arg N]

The user gives a name of a container to run. The user also specifies what virtual console to attach it to (which can be reached with ^T in the shell) and the program to run.

Pausing, resuming, and stopping a container:

	ctool (pause || resume || stop) <name>

The user can pause, resume, or stop a given container. Pausing and resuming toggles whether or not a container can run. Stopping kills a container and all of its processes.

Process and Resource Isolation


Each container has their own isolated process table. This implementation choice allowed me to leave proc.c largely unaltered. In xv6c, processes are seen as a subclass of containers. Because of this, processes have no way of interacting (i.e. piping to or killing) with other processes. The xv6 process scheduler has been modified to run Round Robin on containers instead of processes. This ensures containers are scheduled evenly, despite the differing amount of processes they own.

Note: Even the root container cannot touch other container's processes. To kill a process, the root must kill an entire container.

Namespaces: Because processes have no way of interacting with other containers, I decided not to create local, per container, namespacing. The benefit to this approach is not having to add more complexity to the kernel. However, the trade-off is that containers are aware of the possibility of other processes. An argument against this approach is that containers should not be aware of anything outside of its own scope.

Memory and Disk

Containers track the amount of memory and disk space used by counting the number of pages or blocks allocated and freed. In kalloc(), a container's used pages variable, upg, is incremented. In kfree(), it is decremented. balloc() and bfree() do the same but, instead, track the container's used disk variable udsk. Containers are killed if they try to allocate more resources than their allowance set in ccreate().

Note: A more elegant approach may be to sleep the process trying to allocate over the resource limits until resources are freed by a different process in the container.

Disk Isolation: Namex(): Disk access is restricted in fs.c with the method namex(). When traversing the provided path, namex() ensures that no non-root containers can access the root inode. Any attempts are ignored and default to staying inside of the container's top level directory.

Future Changes

Changes to Creating and Starting

I would start off by moving the declaration of max memory, disk space, and processes to starting a container. This way, ctool create will be more of a way of creating an image for a container, and ctool start will be the first system call made that actually modifies the kernel.

Further Reasoning Imagine a user who creates, starts, then stops a container. If they want to start a different container on that same folder, they can't. Similarly, a user who shuts down their computer while a container cannot run another container on the same folder. In these two scenarios, a user would have to remove the folder from disk and create another container before starting a new one with the same name.

Better disk space and memory enforcement

The macros MAX_CONT_MEM and MAX_CONT_DSK in param.h can be replaced with the methods maxmem() and maxdsk(). These would return the current maximum free memory and disk space used. As they are now, the macros permit, for example, a container to start with MAX_CONT_DSK despite there being less than MAX_CONT_DSK space left. This could lead to a kernel panic if the container tried to allocate the entire max disk limits permitted to them.

Resource scheduling & sleeping processes on kalloc() and balloc():

As discussed in the resource isolation section, sleeping a process that tries to kalloc() or balloc() past their containers limits would be a more elegant than killing the container. However, steps would have to be made to ensure that a deadlock does not arise from every process sleeping for memory.