
This is my current go-to web project starter and you're more than welcome to use it too.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npx mix watch to check for SASS/JS changes
  4. Draw the rest of the owl


Laravel Mix

The webpack.mix.js file is as basic as it comes but there are a couple of options.

You can change the sassOptions object as outlined here:


The index.html file is fairly bare bones but make sure to change the html lang attribute if you're site's primary content isn't in UK English.


The main script.js file is set up with jQuery use in mind. Scrap all of that if you're a purist.

Throw all your vendor scripts in the src/vendor folder and gulp will minify and concatenate them into a single, tidy little file in dist/js.


Media Queries

The project is set up with I've used a few mixins in the past but this one just works.

You can find all the info above but basic usage is:

@include media(">=md") { ... }

Breakpoints have been defined in the src/scss/base/variables.scss file, so ammend accordingly.

Utility Classes

I've been toying with a new naming convention that pairs well with BEM. It's loosely based on Tailwind CSS media query syntax with colons. It may well have been used before that but it's the first place I saw it.

The utility mixin I've created will spew out the following code:

@include utility(margin) {

   &-b {
      &--lg {
         margin-bottom: 3em;
   &-t {
      &--md {
         margin-top: 1.5em;
.u\:margin-b--lg {
   margin-bottom: 3em;
.u\:margin-t--md {
   margin-top: 1.5em;

<div class="u:margin-b--lg">Look, ma! I've got a big bottom margin.</div>

Prefer gulp? Check this out!