
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Wine Search Backend

A backend API for searching for and inspecting wine batches or Lots.

Lots can be searched for by a query string, details of a lot retrieved and each lot's components can be listed and broken down based on a number of properties: Year, Variety, Region and Year/Variety combination

There is a UI built to interact with this API Wine Search Frontend


> git clone https://github.com/kieranongh/vin-demo
> cd vin-demo
> npm install

Running the app

The default port is 43000 or set your own

export API_PORT=3000

To start the app

# development
> npm run start

# watch mode
> npm run start:dev

# production mode
> npm run start:prod

Available endpoints

GET /api/search?query={query}

Searches for and returns an array of Lots for the given query
Matches the query against lotCode and description

GET /api/lots/{lotCode}

Retrieve a Lot for the given lotCode

GET /api/breakdown/year/{lotCode}

Lists a breakdown of the given Lot's components according to year

GET /api/breakdown/variety/{lotCode}

Lists a breakdown of the given Lot's components according to variety

GET /api/breakdown/region/{lotCode}

Lists a breakdown of the given Lot's components according to region

GET /api/breakdown/year-variety/{lotCode}

Lists a breakdown of the given Lot's components according to year and variety combination


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