
PySpark image build on top of fokkodriesprong/docker-pyspark-2 with more opencv-python scikit-image google-cloud google_compute_engine

Docker Image hkanjih/pyspark-2

Docker container to run PySpark based on Spark 2.0.2 plus these packages:

  • opencv-python
  • scikit-image
  • google-cloud
  • google_compute_engine

This docker image baseline is: fokkodriesprong/docker-pyspark-2

Docker Tree:


Origin Tools
python:2 python 2
fokkodriesprong/docker-pyspark-2 jdk1.8.0_144, SPARK, pylint, pytest, coverage, numpy, setuptools, scipy, findspark, pyspark
hkanjih/pyspark-2 opencv-python, scikit-image google-cloud, google_compute_engine


To start container and execute python on interate mode

docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 6060:6060 -p 7077:7077 -p 52022:22 hkanjih/pyspark-2
docker exec -it <container id> python

To execute a file:

docker run -it  -v $(pwd):/home/deploy hkanjih/pyspark-2  python /home/deploy/<pythonfile>

To execute unittest using this container:

tests=($(ls <folder with test scrips>/*.py | grep -v init)); IFS=,; eval docker run -it  -v $(pwd):/home/deploy hkanjih/pyspark-2  pytest "/home/deploy/{${tests[*]}}"

thanks for this bash script Bruxao