WizardLM Truss

This repository packages WizardLM as a Truss.

WizardLM is a instruction-following LLM tuned using the Evol-Instruct method. Evol-Instruct is a novel method using LLMs instead of humans to automatically mass-produce open-domain instructions of various difficulty levels and skills range, to improve the performance of LLMs.

Utilizing this model for inference can be challenging given the hardware requirements. With Baseten and Truss, inference is dead simple.

Deploying WizardLM

We found this model runs reasonably fast on A10Gs; you can configure the hardware you'd like in the config.yaml.

  cpu: "3"
  memory: 14Gi
  use_gpu: true
  accelerator: A10G

Before deployment:

  1. Make sure you have a Baseten account and API key. You can sign up for a Baseten account here.
  2. Install Truss and the Baseten Python client: pip install --upgrade baseten truss
  3. Authenticate your development environment with baseten login

Deploying the Truss is easy; simply load it and push from a Python script:

import baseten
import truss

wizardlm_truss = truss.load('.')

Invoking WizardLM

The usual GPT-style parameters will pass right through to the inference point:

  • max_new_tokens (default: 64)
  • temperature (default: 0.5)
  • top_p (default: 0.9)
  • top_k (default: 0)
  • num_beams (default: 4)
import baseten
model = baseten.deployed_model_id('YOUR MODEL ID')
model.predict({"prompt": "What is the difference between a wizard and a sorcerer?"})

You can also invoke your model via a REST API

curl -X POST " https://app.baseten.co/models/YOUR_MODEL_ID/predict" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H 'Authorization: Api-Key {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
     -d '{
           "prompt": "What is the difference between a wizard and a sorcerer?",
           "temperature": 0.3
