
ASP.NET MVC 5 avatar upload implementation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Avatar Upload in MVC 5

ASP.NET MVC 5 avatar upload implementation

This project is based on ASP.NET MVC 5 and can be used as an example of how to implement user avatar uploading and cropping. It uses jquery, jquery.form, and jcrop and it has some extra code to manipulate the image before saving it locally.

The project contains an AvatarController.cs controller class that contains the back-end code for receiving the uploaded file and saving the final, cropped selection.

The Views/Avatar folder contains the main partial view that has three distinct parts - a box for selecting a file and showing the upload progress, a box for cropping the image, and a box for displaying the result of the manipulation. All operations are done on one page (view) for a smooth, contained solution.

Run the example

To try the functionality, just run the project, click on the Avatar Upload item in the navigation bar (top menu), and use the buttons on the page to upload and crop an image.

The steps you should follow on the /Avatar/Upload page so you can see the example in action are:

  1. Click "Browse" (or "Choose File" or whatever your browser flavour provides you with) and select an image file.
  2. Click "Open" - a resized file is stored in a /Temp folder on the server (or locally).
  3. Select a part of the image (on the left) to crop (in this example cropping is done according to a 1:1 aspect ratio, i.e. the avatar is square). The cropped result (what the final avatar will look like) is displayed and updated on the right side of the page as the selection changes.
  4. Click the "Save Avatar" button - the cropped file is saved in the /Avatars folder on the server (locally).

Feel free to clone and modify the project for your needs. Look at all the ToDo's in it so you can customize the basic behaviour. The rest is up to you.

Good luck!