
In the era that we currently live in, all the focus has shifted towards data. Each day, the amount of data that is generated and consumed is increasing, adding somewhere around 5 exabytes of data. Everything we do generates data, be it turning on and off the light, or commuting from home to work. This data can be used to generate information that can be used for insights to predict and extract patterns. Data Mining or Data Science is the term that has taken the industry abuzz. It is the process of discovering patterns, insights, and associations from data. In this how-to guide we’ll learn how to use data and implement a predictive model on it to get insights. Our intended audience include developers, general users with basic knowledge of programming, and organizations that want to enhance customer experience. It will enable a user to create a predictive model using AutoAI on Watson Studio, which is a cloud-based environment for Data Scientists. By using this how-to user can predict and optimize their twitter interaction and would lead to optimum traffic on their tweets.

Learning objectives

This is an end-to-end tutorial that shows how we can extract the data, create a csv file and upload it to Cloud Object Storage (COS), create a data connection from Watson Studio to COS, and finally to refine the data and use it to build deploy and test our predictive model with AutoAI.

After completing this how-to, the reader will be able to:

  • Work with Cloud Functions to extract data from Twitter
  • Learn to create upload a CSV file in COS from a Cloud Function.
  • Learn how to use Watson Studio and AutoAI to build a predictive model using CSV data.
  • Leverage Twitter to predict and optimize their twitter interactions.


Estimated time

To complete this tutorial it should take around 1 hour.


Use sample data or get your own?

The first thing we'll need to do is get a bunch of tweets to analyze. In this step we'll go through how to get a bunch of tweets, but if you're not interested in doing that, we provide a sample data set (If you choose to use the sample data set, then you will be skipping the Twitter API access and Cloud Function sections of this tutorial):

  • ufone_tweets.csv: Tweets from a Ufone, a phone operator, cleaned up and ready to use.

Step 1: Getting Twitter API access

If you're using the sample data, then skip to Step 2.

Before we use tweepy to get tweets, we need to generate our Consumer api keys :
Go to your Twitter Developer account, hover over your name on the top right create your app. Fill the required information.


Once your app is created select the Keys and Tokens tab. You will see your Consumer API key and Consumer API secret key which we will be using later in the tutorial. These can be revoked and regenerated, but as with any other key, you should keep these secret (Here we won't be using the api tokens so you can ignore them).


Step 2: Creating a Cloud Object Storage (COS) service

Log into your ibm cloud account at, click on Create Resource and search for Object Storage.


Choose the Lite plan which is free, change the name if you want to and click on Create.


You can now find your object storage instance created in resources under Storage. Once you open your instance, click on Buckets from the left side panel and create a bucket (You can choose any type of bucket). Make sure to note down the name of your bucket once you create it.


Go to Service Crendentials from the panel, select the service credential that has just been created. If nothing is there then click on New credential to generate one. Click on the arrow to expand the credentials. Note down the api_key, iam_serviceid_crn and resource_instance_id .


Go to Endpoint from the panel. Choose your Resilency and Region, and note down the Private url since it will be needed later in our cloud function.


Our bucket is now ready, make sure to have your:

  • Bucket name
  • Api Key
  • Service ID
  • Resource Instance ID
  • Endpoint Url

Again, if you're using the sample data, then you can directly upload the file in your bucket, and skip step 3 (Jump to step 4).

Step 3: Create a Cloud Function ( This step is only valid if you started with step 1 )

Cloud Function is IBM's Function-as-a-Service (Faas) programming platform where you write simple, single-purpose functions known as Actions that can be attached to Triggers which trigger the function when a specific defined event occurs.

Create an Action

Usually we create the Actions directly from IBM cloud, but in our case, we want to use tweepy which is an external Python library for accessing Twitter API. External libraries are not supported in the Cloud Function runtime environment. We will have to write our Python code and package it with a virual local environemnt in a .zip file, and then push it to IBM Cloud.

If you don't have Python, then download and install the latest version. Once installed make sure to install virtualenv.

$ pip install virtualenv 

Create a directory that you can use to create your virtual environment. In this example I named it twitterApp.

$ cd desktop; mkdir twitterApp; cd twitterApp

From the twitterApp directory, create virtual environment named virtualenv. Your virtual environemt must be named virtualenv.

$ virtualenv virtualenv

From your directory (in this case twitterApp), activate your virtualenv virtual environment.

$ source virtualenv/bin/activate

Insall the tweepy module.

(virtualenv) $ pip install tweepy

Stop the virtualenv.

(virtualenv) $ deactivate

Copy the following code and save it into a file called in the twitterApp directory, and add the corresponding credentials that we got from step 1 (Customer keys) and step 2 (COS credentials). In addition, you can change the twitter handle that you want to analyze (In this example we are using Charlize Theron's twitter handle to analyze).
This code gets the data from twitter and then creates a CSV file that contains this data and upload it into the object storage service that we created at the beginning. Once we run this function, a CSV file containig tweets info will be uploaded in COS.

import tweepy
import sys, json
import pandas as pd
import csv
import os
import types
from botocore.client import Config
import ibm_boto3

# Twitter API credentials
consumer_key = <"YOUR_CONSUMER_API_KEY">
consumer_secret = <"YOUR_CONSUMER_API_SECRET_KEY">
screen_name = "@CharlizeAfrica"  #you can put your twitter username, here we are using Charlize Theron twitter profile to analyze.

def main(dict):
   tweets = get_all_tweets()

   return {"message": 'success' }

def get_all_tweets():
   # initialize tweepy
   auth = tweepy.AppAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
   api = tweepy.API(auth)

   alltweets = []
   for status in tweepy.Cursor(api.user_timeline, screen_name = screen_name).items(3200):

   return alltweets

def createFile(tweets):
   for tweet in tweets:
                         tweet.text, tweet.retweet_count,

   client = ibm_boto3.client(service_name='s3',
   ibm_service_instance_id= <"COS_SERVICE_ID">,
   endpoint_url= "https://" + <"COS_ENDPOINT_URL">)
   body = client.get_object(Bucket=<'BUCKET_NAME'>,Key='tweets.csv')['Body']
   if not hasattr(body, "__iter__"): body.__iter__ = types.MethodType( __iter__, body )
   table=pd.DataFrame(columns= cols)  
   for i in outtweets:
       table=table.append({'hour':i[0], 'text':i[1], 'retweets': i[2], 'favorites': i[3]}, ignore_index=True)
   table.to_csv('tweets2.csv', index=False)
       res=client.upload_file(Filename="tweets2.csv", Bucket=<'BUCKET_NAME'>,Key='tweets.csv')
   except Exception as e:
       print(Exception, e)
       print('File Uploaded') 

From the twitterApp directory, create a .zip archive of the virtualenv folder and your file. These files must be in the top level of your .zip file.

$ zip -r virtualenv

Now it's time to push this function to IBM Cloud Log in to your IBM Cloud account and make sure to target your organization and space. You can check more about this here .

$ ibmcloud login

Create an action called twitterAction using the zip folder that was just created (right click on the file and check get info for Mac or Properties for Windows to get the path), by specifying the entry point which is ourmain function in the code, and the --kind flag for runtime.

$ ibmcloud fn action create twitterAction </path/to/file/> --kind python:3.7 --main main

Go back to IBM Cloud, and click on Cloud Functions on the left side of the window.


Click on Action, make sure the right namespace is selected, you will see the action that was created. Click on it and then click Invoke to run it.


You can run it as well directly from the terminal using this command:

$ ibmcloud fn action invoke twitterAction --result

If you go to your bucket in the object storage service that you created at the beginning of the tutorial, you will see a file tweets.csv that has just been uploaded. This is the file that has all the extracted tweets from the Cloud Function.

Create a Trigger

Let's create a Trigger that invokes our action. Choose Triggers from the left panel and click on Trigger


Choose Periodic for the trigger type. This means that our event here is time, the function will get invoked on a specific time.


Give a name to your trigger and define set the timer and click Create. In this example, the timer is set on Sundays. Every Sunday the trigger will fire at 4:00 am GMT+4 and invokes our action to fetch twitter data and create a new csv file with new tweets.


Click Add so we can connect this trigger to our action.


Choose the Select Existing tab, select your action and click Add. Now your action is connected to this trigger and get fired based on the time that you specified before.


Step 4: Create a Watson Studio Service

Just like we created the COS at the beginning, we will repeat the same process but this time we will create a Watson Studio service. Search for Watson Studio select the Lite plan to create it. You can find it instantiated under services in resource summary (Main dashboard of your ibm cloud account). Click on it and the click on Get Started. This will launch the Watson Studio platform.


Click on Create Project and then Create Empty Project.


Give a name your project and give it a description. Make sure to choose the COS that you created before.


Step 5: Create a connection to the COS

Click on Add to projects. Here you will see all kind of assets that we can use in Watson Studio. We want to create a connection to our COS so we can access the tweets.csv file. Once we can reach this file, we can then have access to the data inside it that we need to build our machine learning model with AutoAI.


Click on connection so we can start creating our connection to our COS.


Click on Cloud Object Storage. WS6

Add a name to your connection, and fill the information with the credentials that we got from step 2 (COS credentials). Just add the API_KEY, Resource Instance ID, and Login URL which is the endpoint. You can leave the other fields empty.


Click again on Add to projects and this time click on connected data. Select your source which is the connection created in the previous step, select your bucket and then choose tweets.csv file. Give a name to your asset and click on Create.


Step 6: Refine the Data


Our data is already prepared but we just need to convert the rows hour, favorites and retweets to integer. Let's start with hour: Click on the 3 dots, Convert column and then choose integer. Repeat the same process for favorites and retweets.


Once you're done, click on save and create job.


Give the job a name, and click on Create and Run.


This job will create a new data set based on the one that we already have but with our refinements that were responsible to convert 3 rows to integer. As we can see, the output of this job is a file is named Tweets_shaped.csv. Wait unitl the status of the job shows Completed.


Now you should see 3 assets just like the image below. The Tweets_shaped.csv is now our main file that we will be using in AutoAI to create our predictive model.


Step 7: Create an AutoAI experiment

Click again on Add to projects and and this time choose AutoAI experiment.


Give a name to your project and choose a machine learning instance. This is needed so we can deploy our model at the end. If you don't have one, Watson Studio will ask you to directly create it and you will be bale to proceed normally.


Now you need to add your file, select the Tweets_shaped.csv file that was generated from the Data Refinery.


Here we want to predict the best time to share our tweets, so choose hour as the prediction column. You will see that the prediction type is Regression and that's because we want to predict a continous value, and the optimized metric is RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error). You can change and customize your experiment if you want by clicking on Experimenty Setting.


In the Experiment settings, go to prediction. Here you can see all the algorithms that we can use in our experiment. You can change the number of algortithms to use. For example you can choose 3, which means that the experiment will use the top 3 algorithms for our use case. For every algorithms, AutoAI generates 4 pipelines. In other words, the first pipeline is the regular one with no enhancement added, the second one is with HPO (Hyperparameter Optimization), the third one is with HPO and Feature Engineering and the last one is with HPO, Feature Engineering and another HPO. Since here we are using 3 algortithms, we will have a total of 12 pipelines (3x4=12), so AutoAI will build and generate 12 candidates to find our best model.


Step 8: Build and Evaluate the models

AutuAI will be generating our 12 best models for our use case. There are different ways to understand and visualize the results. Here we are looking at a Relationship Map which shows how AutoAI is building and generating the pipelines. Every color represent a type of algorithms and each one has its 4 pipelines that we discussed about in the previous step.


You can click on swipe view to check the Progress Map which is another way to visualize how AutoAI generated our pipelines in a sequence way.


You can see the Pipeline Leaderboard to check which model is the best. In our case, Pipeline 12 is the best model using Random Forest Regressor will all three enhancements (First HPO, Feature Engineering and the second HPO).


AutoAI shows you the comparison between all these pipelines. If you click Pipeline Comparison you will see a metric chart comparing our candidates.


Click on Pipeline 12 since it's our best model so can get a better understanding of it. For example you can check its Feature importance that shows the features that are keys in making deciosion for our predictive model. In this example, retweets is the most important factor for the prediction. We can see new featured generated like NewFeature_3 and NewFeature_0. These are combinations of different features (for example a combination of retweets and favorites) that are generated with feature engineering to enhance the model.


Step 9: Save and Deploy the Model

Let's save and deploy our model so we can start using it. Click on Save as and choose Model. This will save our model and you can now access it from the main dashboard of your project in Assets under Models section.


Click on this new created model, select the Deployments Tab and click Add Deployment to create our deployment where you must give it a name. This is a web deployment that can be accessible using a REST call.


Wait till the status of the deployment is Ready in the Deployment tab. Once it's ready, click on the deypoyment's name.


Step 10: Test the model

Our model is now ready, so we can start using it. Select the Test tab and fill the fields with some data. You can put the data in a JSON format if you prefer (this is easier in cases where we have a lot of fields, but here we have only 3 fields). Click Predict and you will see the result in values. In this example we have the value of 14.5 which is 2:30 pm. This means the best time to share a tweet that can get around 7000 retweets and 2000 favorites is 2:30 pm for Charlize Theron (Remember here we are using Charlize Theron's data (as we saw in step 3) so this time is suitable for Charlize. You can put your own user name in the cloud function if you want to predict the best time for your account).
If you want to inplmenent this model in your application check the Implmentation . It shows the endpoint url and code snippets for different programming languages (cURL, Java, JavaScript, Python and Scala snippets) that you can use for your application.



In this tutorial we learned to extract user data from twitter, create a CSV file that contains this data and upload it to COS using Cloud Functions. Then we learned how perform data science predictive model on this data to optimize future tweeting and increasing the users audience using Watson Studio and AutoAI. This tutorial can be applied on any other CSV file as well and can be further implemented on a web application.