
install minikube on ubuntu20.04

Kubernetes-minikube installation process on ubuntu20.04

k8s minikube+docker的安装


Container 容器本地为docker;


  1. 如果之前有安装过docker,可以先卸载:
apt-get remove docker docker-engine [http://docker.io](https://link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//docker.io) 
  1. 更新apt安装包索引
apt-get update 
  1. 安装软件包以允许apt通过HTTPS
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common 
  1. 添加Docker官方的GPG密钥
curl -fsSL [https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg](https://link.zhihu.com/?target=https%3A//download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg) | sudo apt-key add - 
  1. 安装稳定版仓库
sudo add-apt-repository "deb \[arch=amd64\] [https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu](https://link.zhihu.com/?target=https%3A//download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu) $(lsb_release -cs) stable" 
  1. 安装docker
apt-get install [http://docker.io](https://link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//docker.io) 
  1. 启动docker服务
systemctl start docker 


cd /etc/docker #在daemon.json文件末尾追加如下配置: sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<-'EOF' {  "registry-mirrors": ["https://dhx52mku.mirror.aliyuncs.com"] } EOF ​ # 重启docker sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart docker 



  1. 直接安装minikube
curl -Lo minikube [https://kubernetes.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/minikube/releases/v1.23.1/minikube-linux-amd64](https://link.zhihu.com/?target=https%3A//kubernetes.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/minikube/releases/v1.23.1/minikube-linux-amd64) && chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/ 
  1. 启动minikube
# 默认会使用docker容器。 minikube start 
  1. 让minikube下载kubectl客户端命令工具
minikube kubectl -- get po -A 


minikube dashboard 


通过kubectl proxy方式:

kubectl proxy --port=12345 --address='192.168.8.x' --accept-hosts='^.*' 


minikube的命令 alias:

alias kubectl="minikube kubectl --" 
$ kubectl kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager. ​  Find more information at: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/overview/ ​ Basic Commands (Beginner):  create        Create a resource from a file or from stdin expose        Take a replication controller, service, deployment or pod and expose it as a new Kubernetes service  run           在集群中运行一个指定的镜像 set           为 objects 设置一个指定的特征 ​ Basic Commands (Intermediate):  explain       Get documentation for a resource get           显示一个或更多 resources edit          在服务器上编辑一个资源 delete        Delete resources by file names, stdin, resources and names, or by resources and label selector ... 

Step 5: Install Rancher

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 8080:8080 rancher/server:stable 

Addon 组件

minikube addons list