
Aerie theme is a two column Moodle 2 theme with six extra block areas top and bottom. It has a settings page for you to customise the colours without coding.

Primary LanguagePHP

**************** Aerie *******************

=============== OR NEWER ================

If you want a version of Aerie for 2.3
onwards, please download Aerie Lite.
Aerie Lite does NOT have the extra block
areas, but has all other features of


Aerie is a fluid-width, three-column theme
for Moodle 2.2, with six extra positions
for blocks (three top and three bottom).
The custom menu contains a Home link which
always appears to the very left, and a My
courses and Login/Logout link, which appears
after any administrator-added items.

Aerie has a settings page that lets you
modify various background colours, custom
footer, custom css, and the site logo.

NB: While the theme is for Moodle 2.2, the
version.php file contains the information
for lowering this requirement. Theme has not
been tested in 2.0 or 2.1, so doing so is
currently at your own risk. My aim is to
have this theme fully compatible with all
versions of Moodle 2.

*************** Installing ***************
If you have downloaded this from Moodle.org,
simply unzip the file and copy the "aerie"
folder to your Moodle theme directory.

If you have downloaded this from github,
unzip the file, rename the
folder to "aerie", then copy that folder
to your Moodle theme directory.

**************** Updates *****************
- Fixed main content token.
- Fixed block names in config.
- Theme still won't work in 2.3 onwards.

- Style sheets in correct order in config

- Block regions DO NOT work in 2.3 with
  editing turned on. Side-post vanishes.
  No fix yet!
- Minor other tweaks instead.

- Block regions fixed for Moodle 2.3

- Overflow in quiz report

- Fixed lang string issue with name of font
- Fixed no sideways scroll on course completion

- Improved the block size changing functionality
  so it works properly, even when all blocks are
  docked or removed from side-pre and side-post.
- Block regions are now named properly in the
  selector for default side.
- Added credit to MoodleBites for Theme Designers
  (http://www.moodlebites.com) in the footer, and
  a setting on the settings page to remove it.