
week 2 solo code review - portfolio - ruby/rails

Primary LanguageRuby

Personal Portfolio

Ruby on Rails, 4-27-2018


Creating a personal portfolio using ruby/rails. A portfolio displaying the web applications that I have created during my time in Epicodus. It add some color to who I am as a person outside of programming. Because no one wants a boring programmer. I'm already boring as it is.


To clone onto your local machine, run the following in the terminal

 $ git clone https://github.com/kihuynh/portfolio_2.0

go into the project folder

$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate db:test:prepare
$ bundle install

Run the rails server

$ rails s

then go to localhost:3000 in your browser

Current features

  • Users can sign up and sign in
  • About section(small blurb on who you are and some interesting things)
  • Make contact section separate or within the about

Future features

  • Adding an Admin who has access to certain parts of webpage (have access to the whole site)
  • Figure out how to designate a certain as Admin
  • Users will have access to blog area to comment? (Further Explore)
  • Project page (placeholder images, will link to )

Personal Strengths

  • Forever internally crying
  • Design background that I failed in
  • Adaptable to different backgrounds. Tenacious to challenges
  • Can take a good situation to something negative
  • Team oriented
  • Lots of patiences


  • Loves scruffy dogs
  • Enjoys boba
  • Always contemplating life decisions
  • Trying to find something to watch on Netflix but have difficulty in doing so

Technologies Used

  • Ruby On Rails
  • Gems (Bootstrap, Faker, Sass, etc)
  • Testing (rspec, shoulda-matchers, etc)
  • Postgres


Licensed under MIT license

Copyright (c) 2018 Kimberly Huynh