
Config creation

Create config.yml file with the following content

cp config.yml.example config.yml

config.yml breakdown

operator_address: Node Operator address validator_address: Node Validator address orchestrator_address: Orchestrator address min_wallet_balance: Minimum wallet balance required for the node to be considered healthy. debug_mode: Toggles additional logging for debugging purposes. pager_duty_routing: Configures the PagerDuty routing key for alerting and incident management. orchestrator_health_endpoint: Specifies the endpoint URL for checking the health of the orchestrator service. schedule_interval_seconds: Sets the time interval (in seconds) for scheduling health checks. router_chain_lcd_url: URL for the LCD endpoint of the Router chain.


  1. buffer param mentioned in chainInfos.json this sets a tolerance level for nonce discrepancy, allowing the node to be considered healthy within a defined range behind the current on-chain nonce

  2. rpc: public RPC endpoint for the external chains are mentioned, please update the RPC accordingly if required.


Run manually using

python3 --config config.yml

Using docker-compose

docker-compose up -d