
chatGPT Writing Styles through Myers–Briggs Type Indicators

Awesome ChatGPT Personas

Writing styles in OpenAI's chatGPT through Myers–Briggs Type Indicators

Why Myers-Briggs

Lots of people seem to think that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicators are linked to certain persistent characteristics in a person's particular personality, including their writing style.

Whether this belief actually holds true for any particular individual over time is less important in this context.

The fact that people have written about assumed personality traits in the close context of the Type Indicators, should suffice to influence the writing style in chatGPT when a Type Indicator is mentioned in the system message.


I have initially included four personas.

I welcome pull requests for more personas.


The Awesome ChatGPT Personas project follows the field structure laid out in Awesome ChatGPT Prompts, from which also the awesome name draws obvious inspiration.

You should be able to use personas and prompts interchangeably.