
Strider-CD Modular Docker Image

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Semi-official docker build that does NOT ship with internal Mongo or SSH.

It contains supervisord, latest strider, its dependent modules and nodejs/npm.

You must pass in a DB_URI with a valid mongodb connection string.


Hosted on Quay.io. Find what to docker pull by checking the TAG file


Clone the project and docker build -t <TAG> .


Say you've created a database at MongoLab, here's how you would run it:

docker run -e "DB_URI=mongodb://keyvan:mypass@ds041380.mongolab.com:41380/strider-testing" <TAG>


A compatible mongo image is included.

Following example should lead you into a side-by-side mongo/strider containers creation.

Building image mongodb-img: docker build -t mongodb-img ./mongo

Building image strider-img: docker build -t strider-img .

Launching a container called database based on previously built image mongodb-img: docker run -d --name database -i mongodb-img Notice that no ports were exposed.

Now we would create a container called strider based on previously built image strider-img image that is linked to previous launched database container. We also gonna to expose strider:3000 into host:80.

docker run -d \
  --name strider \
  --link database:database \
  -e "DB_URI=mongodb://database:27017" \
  -p 80:3000 \


This image can generate an admin user with a random password. Set environment variable GENERATE_ADMIN_USER to use this feature.