Homework 12 - SQL database 'Employee-tracker db'


This homework was to allow an employer to add and update an employee roster with a use of CMS ease.

Table of Contents


To run this homework please clone the repo to local pc if needed.


Anyone can usage this repo to organize any employee /or/ team members in your department /or/ group with in a CMS


  • You need to clone repo form my github link, this info is under my contact info

  • Install MySQL, then open MYSCL CLI and byp in 'mysql - u root -p in you window

  • In your CLI, type in 'source db/schema.sql' in order for it to populate the database and tables

  • To leave the MySQL CLI type in ' quit'

Running Node for this repo:.

  • Open terminal on your VS code and type in 'node index' but make sure you are in the root of the repo.

  • You can use any of the prompts that show to add or update an employee, roles and departments.

  • When you are done just press 'ctrl + c' to exit the program or type in 'exit' in the terminal.


If you have any questions please feel free to email me at lunakiira0911@gmail.com