
this is an app that displays projects and enables other ppl to rate them

Primary LanguageHTML


this is an app that displays projects and enables other ppl to rate them

By Nelly Kamotho


This Review App will help: the Users to sign in to the app, to View posted projects and their details, to Post aproject to be rated/reviewed, to Rate/review other users' projects, to Search for the projects, to View projects overall score, and to View the own profile page.

User Story

  • A user can view posted projects and their details.
  • A user can post a project to be rated/reviewed.
  • A user can rate/ review other users' projects.
  • Search for projects.
  • View projects overall score.
  • A user can view their profile page.

Setup and Installation

To get the project .......

Cloning the repository:
Navigate into the folder and install requirements
cd Picture pip install -r requirements.txt 
Install and activate Virtual
- python3 -m venv virtual - source virtual/bin/activate  
Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt 
Setup Database

SetUp your database User,Password, Host then make migrate

python manage.py makemigrations pictures 

Now Migrate

python manage.py migrate 
Run the application
python manage.py runserver 
Running the application
python manage.py server 
Testing the application
python manage.py test 

Open the application on your browser

Technology used

link to it on Heroku


Known Bugs

This app may not meet all the desired services as the user need but, It is still in Development and that will be soon resolved.


This program should handle:

  1. Sign in to the app.
  2. Viewing posted projects and their details
  3. Rateing /reviewing other users' projects.
  4. Searching for projects
  5. Viewing your own profile page.


User Requirements Input Output
Sign Up/Login To create a new account, click on the sign If login is successful, the user is
up link and fill in the form details. To redirected to the home page
login, fill in the details
Add a new project Click on the submit new project tab on the You will be navigated to a page which
navbar and submit the project details has a form to submit the project
Review a project Click on the Review button You will be navigated to a page where you
can post your review
Create a profile Click on the profile tab then Edit Profile A new profile for the user will be
button created
Search for a project Enter the project's name into the search You will be redirected to a page with all
then click on the project you want
Log out Click on the LOGOUT button You will be logged out

Technologies Used

This App is made with:

  • postgresql
  • python3.6
  • Django
  • Bootstrap & css
  • html



MIT license © 2020 Nelly Kamotho

Collaboration Information

  • Clone the repository
  • Make changes and write tests
  • Push changes to github
  • Create a pull request


Reach me on:

Email: nkamotho69@gmail.com