React Native Mobile App Challenge. Reddit Reader Mobile App

React Native Test made by Luis Puig

Try the App with Expo:
You will need to install Expo App on your device

Test coverage report (100%):

If you want to see a project with 100% flow coverage or a Webapp with ReactJS check

You will find...

  • React Native
  • Redux
  • ES6
  • Android & iOS
  • Good project structure
  • 100% Unit Testing coverage


For this challenge you're going to create a basic Reddit client app, this will give us an idea about your coding skills.

Your app should list the last posts in the r/programming subreddit to access this list use the following URL:

For more information about the JSON structure see:

What will we evaluate?

  • Code quality
  • Usage of patterns
  • Networking code
  • Language skills
  • Project structure

Extra points (not required):

  • Unit tests
  • Date of creation in a relative format (e.g. “1 day ago”)
  • Ability to sort the posts list (“top”, “new”, “hot” or “controversial”)