AI C# Assistant

Just another unnecessary AI assistant 🚀

Made with AvaloniaUI and SukiUI

.. Why ?

  • I don't like in-IDE intrusive AI assistant (and I code on a low-powered computer), but appreciate what it can offer in specific use-cases
  • Using OpenAI API is cheaper for ChatGPT4
  • PrOmPT eNgIneErInG, with UI defined for my use-case
  • C# and Avalonia/WPF developement oriented
  • ChatGPT is supposed to get more and more better and essential, so I want it to be the most compatible possible with my habits


  • Simple chat prepared for C# questions
  • Manipulation of C# code, generate function, refactor, clean, make robust
  • Avalonia AXAML Code generation to generate UI from a description text

Don't hesitate to make suggestions to complete this little C#/Avalonia helper.

Chat & C# oriented chat

Settings and Dark Mode

Generate XAML Avalonia

Generate C# Function

Explain Code


Make Robust

Image Generator

I just want to test this one 🤷‍♂️