- 4
- 8
[Bug] Blank app has no background/View Theme
#325 opened by LeviGNMBS - 3
- 1
How do I bind to radio button group selection?
#323 opened by danieljfarrell - 1
- 2
[Doc] How can I run the demo app locally?
#321 opened by danieljfarrell - 6
- 4
[Bug] AOT problem: 1. Program will crash if use SukiSideMenu. 2. Program will crash if use SukiWindow when run in win7.
#308 opened by telesa864 - 0
[Bug] DataGrid: Header and Table Grid Lines Misalignment with CanUserResizeColumns and GridLinesVisibility
#319 opened by Louvest - 1
[Bug] Nested BusyArea does not show spinner
#317 opened by jacobgeorge26 - 1
[Feat] Can separate Canresize into two part
#307 opened by 13584452567 - 3
- 1
- 0
- 3
- 7
[Bug] JetBrains Rider cannot preview SukiWindow
#288 opened by imJack6 - 12
[Bug] Button memory leak
#245 opened by gubard - 5
[Feat] Drop shadow on Windows 10
#292 opened by ElektroKill - 1
- 1
[Feat] SideMenu ReactiveUI
#287 opened by imabdul-dev - 1
#284 opened by andrewmd5 - 4
[Bug] UI components unintended refresh behavior
#290 opened by 13584452567 - 8
[Bug] Toast Messages and Pop up dialogs
#285 opened by kingnathi112 - 1
[Bug] Margin on RadioButton.GigaChips:checked Border#SelectedBorder is too large
#225 opened by nicki419 - 6
- 5
[Bug] Unhandled exception. System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1<System.Object> Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.XamlIl.Runtime.IAvaloniaXamlIlEagerParentStackProvider.get_DirectParents()
#265 opened by Konfus-dev - 1
- 0
[Feat] TabStripPlacement and text rotation
#279 opened by mightypanda - 3
- 0
[Bug] error in Linux
#263 opened by khsaga110 - 4
Can the side menu be refreshed while the program is running? I want to add a search function.
#258 opened by mujianwu - 1
[Feat] Native AOT support
#253 opened by 13584452567 - 3
[Bug] CanResize is no longer useful
#236 opened by 13584452567 - 1
- 19
Chinese font display issue
#192 opened by yuzh0816 - 2
- 2
- 1
- 14
Window resizing behavior broken on 6.0.0-beta5
#186 opened by pmichale - 3
[Bug] Animation bug on Windows
#212 opened by yuzh0816 - 0
Cannot build WASM with 6.0.0-beta5
#180 opened by kinosang - 0
[Feat] Bump SkiaSharp from 2.X to 3 Preview
#233 opened by sirdoombox - 1
Unable to resolve type SukiTheme
#213 opened by MassKlaus - 5
[Bug] An open dialogue with allowBackgroundClose set to false prevents access to the window bar
#226 opened by nicki419 - 2
.NET newest or standard
#211 opened by AuroraZiling - 1
[Bug] Popup Topmost Behavior
#208 opened by AuroraZiling - 1
[Bug] GlassCard Animation
#204 opened by AuroraZiling - 8
[Feat] MessageBox completion
#196 opened by AuroraZiling - 4
Using LiveCharts2 results in crash
#188 opened by pmichale - 0
`LICENSE` and cute `suki_photo.ico` are included in the project by default?
#184 opened by AuroraZiling