This repository describes the steps taken on MacOS when doing the tutorial of using Kichen with Amazon Provider
To perform the exercise you need to use a linux machine for it to work. As a solution on MacOS we are going to use a virtual machine of ubuntu which we create with a Vagrant file
Vagrant See documentation
Virtualbox See documentation
- Login to AWS console to create a key pair
- Go to EC2
- Under network and Security go to Key Pairs
- select create key pair
- Give a name which you need later during the kitchen exercise and click create Key Pair
- You now have downloaded a file
. You need this file later - During the exercise the pem file location should be
- Clone the repository to your local machine
git clone
- Change your directory
cd kitchen_ec2
- copy the downloaded
file to the current directory - Start a virtual machine with Vagrant
vagrant up
- ssh into the virtual machine with Vagrant.
vagrant ssh
- Setup the AWS credentials on the environment
- Start the excercise Kichen with Amazon Provider