
Kitchen EC2 excercise

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Kitchen EC2 Amazon

This repository describes the steps taken on MacOS when doing the tutorial of using Kichen with Amazon Provider

To perform the exercise you need to use a linux machine for it to work. As a solution on MacOS we are going to use a virtual machine of ubuntu which we create with a Vagrant file


Vagrant See documentation
Virtualbox See documentation

How to

Create your AWS key pair

  1. Login to AWS console to create a key pair
  2. Go to EC2
  3. Under network and Security go to Key Pairs
  4. select create key pair
  5. Give a name which you need later during the kitchen exercise and click create Key Pair
  6. You now have downloaded a file my_key_pair.pem. You need this file later
  7. During the exercise the pem file location should be /vagrant/me_key_pair.pem

Start your Vagrant machine

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine
git clone https://github.com/munnep/kitchen_ec2.git
  1. Change your directory
cd kitchen_ec2
  1. copy the downloadedmy_key_pair.pem file to the current directory
  2. Start a virtual machine with Vagrant
vagrant up
  1. ssh into the virtual machine with Vagrant.
vagrant ssh
  1. Setup the AWS credentials on the environment
  1. Start the excercise Kichen with Amazon Provider