
Clojurescript library for using material-ui.com

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


This library is interop to get Material-UI working in Clojurescript.

Current Material-UI version: 0.15.4

See Om.Next example app here



  • Add [cljs-react-material-ui "0.2.21"] to your dependencies
  • Exclude cljsjs/react from Om or other React library. This is because currently material-ui has to be built together with react to get onTouchTap event working. This will not be needed in future. for example: [org.omcljs/om "1.0.0-alpha34" :exclusions [cljsjs/react]]


(ns cljs-react-material-ui-example.core
  (:require [cljsjs.material-ui]  ; I recommend adding this at the beginning of core file
                                  ;  so React is always loaded first. It's not always needed
            [cljs-react-material-ui.core :as ui]
            [cljs-react-material-ui.icons :as ic]))   ; SVG icons that comes with MaterialUI
                                                      ; Including icons is not required

You must start your MaterialUI component tree with ui/mui-theme-provider, which must have exactly one direct child and defined theme. Use the same pattern when you want to change theme for some children, see example app.

    {:mui-theme (ui/get-mui-theme)}
    (ui/paper "Hello world"))
    {:mui-theme (ui/get-mui-theme 
        {:palette                   ; You can use either camelCase or kebab-case
            {:primary1-color (ui/color :deep-orange-a100)} 
            {:primary-text-color (ui/color :light-black) 
             :font-weight 200}})}
        {:label   "Click me"
         :primary true}))
    {:mui-theme (ui/get-mui-theme (aget js/MaterialUIStyles "DarkRawTheme"))}
    (ui/paper "Hello dark world"))

You can use all components (icons also) in their kebab-case form. Either with props or without.

    {:value          "some_val"
     :label          "Yes"
     :class-name     "my-radio-class"
     :checked-icon   (ic/action-favorite)
     :unchecked-icon (ic/action-favorite-border)})
    (ui/table-header-column "Name")
    (ui/table-header-column "Date"))
Global objects
js/MaterialUI ; Contains constructors to all components. No need to use directly.
js/MaterialUIStyles ; Contains everything from material-ui/src/styles/index.js
js/MaterialUISvgIcons ; Contains constructors to all icons. Exists only when you
                      ; include icons in your code. No need to use directly.
Using with Reagent

Works with reagent "0.6.0-alpha" and up. So dependency may be sth like this

[reagent "0.6.0-alpha" :exclusions [org.clojure/tools.reader cljsjs/react]]

(ns crmui-reagent.core
    [cljs-react-material-ui.core :as ui]
    [cljs-react-material-ui.reagent :as rui]
    [cljs-react-material-ui.icons :as ic]))
; Example with various components
(defn home-page []
   {:mui-theme (ui/get-mui-theme
                 {:palette {:text-color (ui/color :green600)}})}
    [rui/app-bar {:title              "Title"
                  :icon-element-right (ui/icon-button
     [:div "Hello"]
      {:mui-theme (ui/get-mui-theme {:palette {:text-color (ui/color :blue200)}})}
      [rui/raised-button {:label "Blue button"}]]
     (ic/action-home {:color (ui/color :grey600)})
     [rui/raised-button {:label        "Click me"
                         :icon         (ic/social-group)
                         :on-touch-tap #(println "clicked")}]]]])


Using with Rum


(ns crmui-rum.core
    [cljs-react-material-ui.core :as ui]
    [cljs-react-material-ui.icons :as ic]
    [cljs-react-material-ui.rum :as rui]
    [rum.core :as rum]))
(rum/defc thing1
          [:div "content1"])

(defn home-page []
    {:mui-theme (ui/get-mui-theme)}
     (rui/app-bar {:icon-element-right (rui/icon-button (ic/action-accessibility))})
       (rui/tab {:label "one"}
                [:div ["hey"
                       (rui/paper "yes")]])
       (rui/tab {:label "two"} (thing1))
       (rui/tab {:label "drei"}
                 (rui/paper {} "Ima paper")]))]))


Caret moves to the end when editing a text field

This happens due to async rendering of clojurescript react libraries. Luckily, there is a workaround, which fixes most of use cases: Instead of :value prop use :default-value e.g:

(defn simple-text-field [text]
  (let [text-state (r/atom text)]
    (fn []
       {:id "example"
        :default-value @text-state
        :on-change (fn [e] (reset! text-state (.. e -target -value)))}])))