
Collection of HLS videos to be used a example to test streams

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quick example

30s video link hosted on github: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kikoncuo/hlsexample/master/30SecVideo/httpGithub.m3u8

30s video link ipfs: (Same video hosted by a node in my laptop, probably not up) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kikoncuo/hlsexample/master/30SecVideoIPFS/ipfs.m3u8

Scripts usage

npm install

Create an HLS video from file

node createStreamFromInput ./input.mkv

This will create the stream in /videos folder

Serve by http and create .m3u8 file

node createHTTPVideoFromTS ./videos

A server in localhost 8080 serves the files, and the .m3u8 file is configured to work with the specified URL

Serve by IPFS and create .m3u8 file

node createIPFSVideoFromTS ./videos

Uploads the file to IPFS running on /ip4/ and creates a .m3u8 file that requests the files via their IPFS hash