
Run lighthouse on a URL(s), send the report to a slack channel

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Runs lighthouse on a URL(s), and sends the report to a slack channel


##Install dependencies npm install ##Slack signing secret Open your slack app configuration page(api.slack.com) in your browser. In the App Credentials section, copy the Client Secret:


and add it to your lighthouserc.ts file:

{ ... slackSigningSecret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' ... } ##Webhook In the slack app configuration page, go to Incoming Webhooks and copy the Webhook URL:


and add it to your lighthouserc.ts file: { ... slackWebhookUrl: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' ... }

##URLs The urlsToProfile key in your lighthouserc.ts file is an array of strings. Each URL should point to the URL's you want to profile:

{ ... urlsToProfile: [ 'https://google.com', 'https://microsoft.com' ] ...