
The Harvard Library Innovation Lab website

Primary LanguageHTML

build status

Install and Run

  1. Install Docker or Docker Toolbox and fire it up.

  2. git clone https://github.com/harvard-lil/website-static.git

  3. cd website-static

  4. Fire up the web server and build the site: docker-compose up

  5. Check out what you built:

  6. Make changes to the app directory.

Most of the time, Jekyll will notice your changes and will automatically rebuild the site: just wait for the build to finish and refresh your browser. You'll see something like the following after a successful build:

jekyll_1  |       Generating...
jekyll_1  |          AutoPages: Generating tags pages
jekyll_1  |          AutoPages: Generating categories pages
jekyll_1  |          AutoPages: collections pages are disabled/not configured in site.config.
jekyll_1  |         Pagination: Complete, processed 140 pagination page(s)
jekyll_1  |                     done in 27.68 seconds.
jekyll_1  |  Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/srv/jekyll'

Exceptions: changes to _config.yml, Gemfile, and the contents of the _plugins directory will not trigger an automatic rebuild, or, even if they do, the rebuilt site might not reflect your changes.

Errors: if the build errors out (scss syntax errors, incorrect variable names, etc.), the automatic rebuilding process may stop working.

To manually rebuild the site/restart the automatic rebuilding process, press control + c and then run docker-compose up again.

  1. When you are done, press control + c and then run docker-compose down. Then, optionally:
  • Docker: quit the Docker app
  • Docker Machine/Toolbox: run docker-machine stop

Writing Blog Posts (Docker not required)

Head to https://blog-generator.lil.tools/ to write your post in the on-screen editor. Use the editor's buttons, if you want the preview to work correctly. (Manually-entered markdown is fine, but won't render correctly here in the preview.) Detailed instructions are below the editor, if you are into that kind of thing.

Hit the editor's "Preview/Download" to check your work.

When you are satisfied, hit the "Download" button to download your draft, and follow the simple instructions to upload your draft to Github.

Adding current affiliates

At the moment, people listed at /about under "Who we are" should have three sizes of photos. The current convention is to take a square, high-resolution grayscale image and convert it using ImageMagick, something like this, assuming that the files are in the current working directory and named something like firstname-lastname.jpg:

for SIZE in 216 432 648 ; do for FILE in *.jpg ; do THUMBDIR=~/Documents/code/website-static/app/assets/thumbs/${SIZE}x${SIZE}c ; cp ${FILE} ${THUMBDIR}/ ; mogrify -scale ${SIZE}x${SIZE} -density 1x1 ${THUMBDIR}/${FILE} ; done ; done

For people who do not want to have an image on the website, we use a placeholder (image: no-photo.jpg in people.yaml), which was produced like this:

magick -size 1000x1000 xc:lightgray -fill gray -stroke gray -draw "circle 500,400 500,600" -draw "ellipse 500,950 320,400 0,360" no-photo.jpg
for SIZE in 216 432 648 ; do THUMBDIR=~/Documents/code/website-static/app/assets/thumbs/${SIZE}x${SIZE}c ; cp no-photo.jpg ${THUMBDIR}/ ; mogrify -scale ${SIZE}x${SIZE} -density 1x1 ${THUMBDIR}/no-photo.jpg ; done