
A fucking FacePunch.Steamworks implementation

Primary LanguageC#

Unity HighKick : A FacePunch.Steamworks implementation

What is it ?

It s a simple Steam multiplayer implementation for Unity. It handle message and components synchronisation between multiple players.

I did it because there are only few examples on how to implement multiplayer with Steamworks

Warning : this project is a personal project and it can evolve (or not)

How we use

The way to prepare the components and the multiplayer code is greatly inspired by Photon. You can see some examples in the Example Folder

Synchronise a component and it positions

  • Add a HView, a HTransformView

  • Drag the HTransformView to the HView observed components

Only one prefab represent your player

An important aspect of the game is that only your script is handled. For example if we have 3 differents players in the game, you want only 1 player to follow your input

In your script add a view

    private HView view;
    void Start(){
        view = GetComponent<HView>();

in the update, only your script is handled

    void Update(){
	    if (!view.isMine){return;}
	    // My functions like : Move();

Create your own script component:

if you want a component that share the same values with others player, you can inherit : MultiplayerBehavior (think of adding it to HView observed components)

	public class MyPlayer : MultiplayerBehavior{
        public int health;

        public override void OnReadingView(ViewMessage obs)
            if (view.isMine)
            health = (float)obs.ReceiveValue("health");

        public override void OnWritingView(ViewMessage obs)
            if (view.isMine)//send only your health
                obs.SendValue("health", health);

Send your own message

Another functionnality is to send a custom message to other players. For example we want to send to all the players a notification for pausing the game.

  • Open MessageType.cs and add START_PAUSE in the enum
  • In your pause function send a message to all the players ``
    public void WantPause()
        Message m = new Message(MessageType.START_PAUSE, "");
  • Listen to Pause message
	public class PauseListener : MonoBehavior, IListener{
		void Start(){
			//We add the Pause Listener
		    MessageHandlerNetwork.AddListener(MessageType.START_PAUSE, this);
        //We receive a message notification
        public void OnNotify(Message message)
            switch (message.MESSAGE_TYPE)
                case MessageType.START_PAUSE://if it's a pause
                    Debug.Log("WE SET THE GAME IN PAUSE");

Possible improvment

  • Clean player Id struct
  • Fix non serializable Unity struct (Vector, Quaternion)
  • Add more View components (RigidbodyView etc ...)