Cloud, Docker and more.
docker ps
- list all containers that are current running
docker ps -a
- list all containers (running or not)
docker images
- list all images
docker logs -f <container_name>
- view all logs of a container
docker info
- verify the specs of docker (ram, os, etc)
docker inspect <container_name>
- view a json like file with all the configuration of the container (args, envs, etc)
docker stats
- verify the current usage (ram, cpu, etc) of all running containers
docker run <container_name> <image_name>
- create and run an container based on a image
docker exec <container_name>
- execute a command in a container
docker exec -it <container_name> bash
- open a console inside the container
docker start <container_name>
- start the container (don't create like run)
docker stop <container_name>
- stop the container
docker restart <container_name>
- stop and start the container
docker rm <container_name>
- remove a container (can't be running)
docker rmi <image_name>
- remove a image (can't be used by any container)
docker-compose up
- start a docker-compose file in current directory
docker-compose -f path/docker-compose.yaml up
- start a docker-compose file in current directory
docker-compose up --build
- start a docker-compose file in current directory and build it again
docker-compose down
- stop the docker-compose daemon
Atributes the value `someone` to name
name: someone
both elements location and router are part of datacenter item.
location: São Paulo
router: 42
Atributes a list to the key roles with the values ['web', 'dns']
- web
- dns