
ML for LHC Tomography

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Train, Optimize, and Evaluate ML Longitudinal Tomography in the LHC


The purpose of this project is to leverage the longitudinal bunch profiles, to extract several beam features at injection in the LHC using Machine learning.

These features include:

  • Phase and Energy injection errors
  • Bunch length and Intensity
  • Beam observed RF Voltage in the LHC and in the SPS
  • The mu parameter of the Gaussian shape particle distribution in the SPS

In addition to these features, a separate model can be used to reconstruct the longitudinal phase-space.


Encoder: The model that extract beam features using the bunch profiles as input

Decoder: The model that recontsructs the longitudinal phase-space using as input the bunch features.

Tomoscope: The model that reconstructs the longitudinal phase-space using as input the bunch profiles.

Presentations, posters, and papers


Project dependencies

Packages required:

  • Tensorflow, keras
  • Numpy/ Scipy/ Pandas/ Matplotlib
  • prettytable
  • h5py
  • yaml
  • sklearn


  • Optuna: for hyperparam search optimization
  • visualkeras: Weight and model visualization
  • tensorboard: Training visualization

Input data: TODO: Path to tomo_data

1. Synthetic data Generation

The training data of the model are generated using the BLonD simulator. The mainfile used can be found in simulations directory. Directory contents:

  • sim_flatbottom_tomo.py: Simulation mainfile. LHC flatbottom with intensity effects, single-bunch. Bunch generated and matched in SPS.
  • prepare_sim_tomo.py: Script that generates the design space. You can specify the parameters to be scanned, the ranges for each parameter, and the total number of input files to be generated.
  • main.sh: The bash script that will be run by the job execution node.
  • htcondor.conf: HTCondor configuration script.
  • run.sh: This will launch one job per generated input file by the prepare_sim_tomo.py script.

2. Synthetic data pre-processing

The set of scripts generate_encoder_data.py, generate_decoder_data.py and generated_tomoscope_data.py is used to format the simulations output data in a format ready to be used for training. Scripts:

  • generate_encoder_data.py: For every simulation output, one pickle file will be created that will contain the configuration parameters, together with the longitudinal bunch profiles. The bunch profiles can be optionally convolved with a transfer function, to better match the real measurement data.
  • generate_decoder_data.py: For every simulation output, a number (--turns-per-case) of pickle files will be created that will contain the configuration parameters, the bunch profiles, and the phase-space at a given turn.
  • generate_tomoscope_data.py: For every simulatoin output, one pickle file will be created, that will contain the config params, the bunch profiles, and a number (--turns-per-case) of phase-space turns.

Reading multiple small files is slow compared to reading a small number of larger files. This is why in addition to the generate_encoder/decoder/tomoscope_data.py scripts one case use the merge_data_single_file.py script that will merge a large number (modifiable, 5k by default) of pickle files to a single file, in order to accelerate the dataset loading during training/validation.

3. Inspecting the input data

A set of scripts that can be used to inspect the generated data. Can be useful to understand various properties of the training datasets. The related notebooks are:

  1. inspect_input_data.ipynb

3. Model Design

The model architectures can be found in models.py More specifically, that available models are the following:

1. AutoEncoderSkipAhead
1. VariationalAutoEncoder
2. AutoEncoderEfficientNet
3. AutoEncoderTranspose
4. FeatureExtractor
5. EncoderSingleViT
6. EncoderSingle
7. EncoderMulti
8. Decoder
9. EncoderDecoderModel
10. EncoderOld
11. TomoscopeOld
12. Tomoscope

4. Training

There are several scripts that can be used for training the models. For interactive training, suggested for debugging purposes:

  • train_AE_transfer_learning.ipynb
  • train_AE.ipynb
  • train_decoder.ipynb
  • train_encoder_multiout.ipynb
  • train_tomoscope.ipynb

For batch submission, one can use:

  • submit_train_trials.py: This script can be used to submit training jobs to HTCondor in CPU or GPU nodes, for encoder, decoder and tomoscope models. The training parameters are defined in a yaml file that is passed with the -c argument (can even accept a list of yaml files). Example config files can be found in the submit_configs directory.

5. Hyper-parameter optimization

A set of scripts is provided that can be used for hyper-parameter optimization of the various models. The optuna framework is used to guide the search space exploration.

The scripts:

  • train_encoder_hyperparam_multiout_optuna.py
  • train_tomoscope_hyperpara_optuna.py
  • train_decoder_hyperparam_optuna.py can be used for running a single exploration job locally or in the cluster (i.e. HTCondor).

The script submit_hparam_trial.py can be used to submit hyperparam exploration jobs in the HTCondor cluster in CPU or GPU nodes. The design space is defined in a yaml file that is passed with the -c argument. Example yaml files can be found in submit_configs/encoder_hyperparam.yml

6. Evaluation on synthetic data

To evaluate the trained models against the validation dataset, the following scripts are used:

  • evaluate_decoder.ipynb: Evaluate the performance of the decoder.
  • evaluate_encoder_multiout.ipynb: Evaluate the multioutput encoder model (ensemble of encoders).
  • evaluate_encoder.py: Evaluate single encoder.
  • evaluate_end_to_end.ipynb: End-to-end evaluation, i.e. from bunch profiles to phase-space.
  • evaluate_tomoscope.ipynb: Evaluate the tomoscope model.

7. Evaluation on real data

To evaluate the model on measurement data, the following scripts are provided:

  • evaluate_on_recorded_profiles.ipynb:
  • evaluate_real_data.ipynb:

9. Other utilities

Visualize the weights of the model:

Original Authors

T. Argyropoylos G. Trad K. Iliakis H. Timko