
An http service for collecting annotation events and sending into Elastic Search

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Annotation Events

The System Events service is an http service that can proxy formatted annotation events to an Elastic Search Deployment.

Elasticsearch is a search engine based on the Lucene library that is very popular for event log data. You can use it from Grafana to create annotations based on the events you proxy to it using the System Events Service. Read about how to use Grafana annotations with Elasticsearch

When to use

Annotation events are very useful when maintaining a system owned by multiple developers, specially multiple teams. It improves the troubleshooting process by providing accurate information on the different things that ocurred before an outage that could be the potential root causes of it.


  • Simple System Events

Use POST /event to create a new system event at the time of the request

  • Range System Events

Use POST /event/start to indicate a system event just started. Use the returned eventId with the POST /event/end to indicate the system event finished. This feature is very useful for prolonged events like maintances and deployements of large farms.



Because the System Events service uses internally the NEST Client it's version matches the version of the NEST Client, to make it easier to pick the correct version that would work with your Elastic Search Deployment version. Read about NEST Client versioning

How to run

Local development using Docker Compose

Build the event system service and all the supporting services for local development

docker-compose build

Deploy Elastic Search locally

docker-compose up -d elasticsearch

Create the system event index on your previously deployed ES

docker-compose up -d es-index-creator

Finally deploy the System Events service

docker-compose up -d system-events

Using Docker

docker run --env-file path/to/envvars --volume path/to/config.yml:/config/config.yml --name system-events raulchall/system-events

Sending Events

Find which port the System Events service is running

docker port system-events

Using curl

Find examples on the scripts folder

sh scripts/send-event.sh {system-events-port} 

Replace the system-events-port with the port obtained on the previous step

Using Swagger UI

Visit http://localhost:{system-events-port}/swagger

Visualizing Events on Grafana

Deploy Grafana locally

docker-compose up -d grafana
docker port system-events-grafana

Visit http://localhost:{grafana-port}/swagger

Setting up your ES System Events Datasource

Add a new Grafana Datasource. Set Name = SystemEvents Url = http://system-events-elasticsearch:9200/

Follow the image for the rest of the fields

ES Datasource Setup

Import example dashboard

On Grafana import the example dashboard Done!


The System Events service exposes Prometheus metrics. You can deploy the Prometheus stack locally to checkout the metrics.

Run Prometheus server

docker-compose up -d prometheus

Go back to Grafana and setup the Prometheus Datasource. Set Name = Prometheus Url = http://system-events-prometheus:9090/

Follow the image for the rest of the fields

Prometheus Datasource Setup

Import the System Events Internal Metrics Dashboard to Grafana Done


The System Events service requires a basic configuration and adds extra configuration if advance features are required

Basic Configuration

Provide values for following environment variables.


# IMPORTANT: If running in Production remove these 2 variables

# Variables for the ES Client

# Specify the Uris for the nodes on your ES cluster separated by comma

# This format needs to match the format for your date fields in your ES Index

Advanced Configuration

Add an extra environment variable containing the path to the Advance configuration file


Adding support for Category restrictions

Example of Advance Configuration file


  - name: Adhoc
    description: Use it for unplanned events
  - name: Database Migration
    description: Database migration events
  - name: Service Deployment
    description: Service deployment events
  - name: Network Maintenance
    description: Network Maintenance events
    level: critical

By adding specific Event Categories the service will reject System Events with not allowed Categories, this way the number of categories can be kept under control. Optionally specify a level for the category, if a level is specified then the system will reject events for the category on different levels, otherwise all levels will be allowed for the category.

You can always relax this restriction by adding * as an allowed category


  - name: '*'
    description: All categories are allowed
  - name: Database Migration
    description: Database migration events
    level: critical

In this case the restriction for only critical Database Migration events will still apply but the system will allow any other incoming category.

Adding support for Category Subscriptions

This feature allows for creating notification channels for specific Event Categories, allowing broadcast notifications of important or relevant system events.

It requires the category to be defined under the categories section.

Example of Advance Configuration file


  - name: Adhoc
    description: Use it for unplanned events
  - name: Database Migration
    description: Database migration events
  - name: Service Deployment
    description: Service deployment events
  - name: Network Maintenance
    description: Network Maintenance events

  - type: sns
    category: Network Maintenance
    topic_arn: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:system-event-network-maintenance
  - type: sns
    category: Database Migration
    topic_arn: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:system-event-database-migration
  - type: slack
    category: Service Deployment
    webhook_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/Your/WebHook/Url

You can create a subscription for all your categories by using the * category Ex.

  - type: slack
    category: '*'
    webhook_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/Your/WebHook/Url

Supported Notification Channels:

Creating events from slack

You can optionally deploy the Slack App Backend to make it easier for developers to report events. By default all categories on the Advance Configuration are not eligible to be created from the slack app, use the slack_app flag to enable it.

On your config.yml

  - name: '*'
    description: Allow all events
  - name: Adhoc
    description: Adhoc events
    slack_app: true  # Allow users to create Adhoc category from Slack App

Running in Production


  • Make sure your ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT is set to other than Development. Or not present in your environment
  • Set your Log Level to Error Serilog:MinimumLevel=Error. Too much logging impacts performance
  • Either build from source or use the image from Docker Hub
  • Have fun!


Same, same. Add issues or feature requests. Send me a PR.