Multilingual Online Translator

This is a multilingual online translator which supports the following languages:

Welcome to the translator! Translator supports:

1. Arabic
2. German
3. English
4. Spanish
5. French
6. Hebrew
7. Japanese
8. Dutch
9. Polish
10. Portuguese
11. Romanian
12. Russian
13. Turkish

You can get translations of a word/phrase from one language to another or to all languages in the list. If you choose to translate to all languages, a file including the results is created as well. You can see a sample output file here.

Demo of the project is below:


Translations are fetched from Reverso website using web scraping.

BeautifulSoup is used for web scraping and Colorama is used to color the text.

The following packages are installed to the project in the beginning:

pip install bs4 colorama requests

You can run the project as: