
wrkload API is an easy-to-use REST API developed to be implemented as backend by an app. Gives the possibility to a user to keep organized and documented the time he was working on his tasks.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

wrkload API

wrkload API is an easy-to-use REST API developed to be implemented as backend by an app. Gives the possibility to a user to keep organized and documented the time he was working on his tasks.

API (Now the API is a bit slower because it was redeployed on a free Render account.)

Table of Contents


  • Stateless authentication. Server will loves you ;)
  • Restricted requests using JSON Web Token authorization.
  • Access tokens are generated at authentication and they are signed with the user ID (in some cases with email or role user) and a base64 secret key. Each token are unique and belongs to a single user. These access tokens are sent by client on the request via HTTP headers and the server verifies that they are valid and belong to the owner of the request before sending a response.
  • Access tokens have a short life cycle, they expire each 15 minutes. Here the refresh tokens make his job, they generate new access tokens in the same way as expired access tokens was generated but in client side background.
  • Refresh tokens are used only for generate new access tokens, not for authorization. This is why they expire after 30 days, to ensure that user doesn't have to login every 15 minutes.
  • The refresh tokens are set on the client from the server as HttpOnly and secure cookies. They can only be accessed through the browser via HTTPS requests, not with Javascript.
  • Confirmation of accounts and reset passwords by email with unique, one-time use and expiration times links.
  • Responses filtered based on user role.
  • Paginated APIs with detailed responses, including number of items per page, items in total, number of current, previous and next page.
  • User role system, this opens the way for a lot of frontend-side implementations, like querying registered users, non-sensitive user data, types of uploaded projects, tasks by users, create role permissions, etc.
  • Users only can read, update or delete own tasks, even users with administration role.
  • Users can create and store useful information about their tasks such as: timing, project, delivery day, task type, a short description that can be used as a note book.
  • Thanks to this information, statistics are calculated and returned on how many hours were worked and how many tasks were assigned per project in the current and past month.
  • User passwords are salt (10 rounds) and hash with the Blowfish cipher before being saved on database.
  • You can see when a user was last active or when they signed up. You can also check when a task was created or updated.

Built With

Quick Start

The quickest way to run this server on your localhost is execute the following commands:

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Start the server with nodemon

$ npm run dev

Start the server with node

$ npm run start

Open http://localhost:5000 with your browser.

API References

Auth API

This API provides an authentication and authorization system developed to validate the requests to the other APIs. In addition to functions as register, login or logout, can confirm an account by email, reset or change a password, generate new access tokens. Please, check the details to know its implementation.

See all details

— Register

  POST /api/v1/auth/register
Request body Type Required Description
username string true Name of the new user.
email string true Valid email of the new user.
avatar string true URL of image.
password string true Password of at least 8 characters.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.

— Login

  POST /api/v1/auth/login
Request body Type Required Description
email string true Valid email of the new user.
password string true Password of at least 8 characters.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
user object User object.
user._id string User ID.
user.username string Name of user.
user.role number Role of user.
user.email string Valid email of new user.
user.avatar string URL of image.
accessToken string Valid access token to be included in request headers.
expiresIn number Validity time in seconds of the access token.

— Confirm account

Link with confirmation token sent by email.
  PATCH /api/v1/auth/confirm-account/${confirmationToken}
Request parameters Type Required Description
confirmationToken string true Valid JWT token generated at registry and distributed by mail.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.

— Resend confirm account link

  POST /api/v1/auth/resend-confirm-account
Request body Type Required Description
email string true Valid email of the new user.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.

— Change password

  PATCH /api/v1/auth/change-password
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request body Type Required Description
email string true Valid email of the new user.
oldPassword string true Password of at least 8 characters.
newPassword string true Password of at least 8 characters.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.

— Remember password

  POST /api/v1/auth/remember-password
Request body Type Required Description
email string true Valid email of the new user.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.

— Reset password

  PATCH /api/v1/auth/reset-password/${uid}/${resetPasswordToken}
Request parameters Type Required Description
uid string true User ID.
resetPasswordToken string true Valid JWT token generated at forgot password request.
Request body Type Required Description
newPassword string true Password of at least 8 characters.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.

— Logout

  GET /api/v1/auth/logout
Cookies Type Required Description
refreshToken HttpOnly true Valid JWT token generated at login stored in cookie only accessible through https requests.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.

— Refresh access token

  GET /api/v1/auth/refreshToken
Cookies Type Required Description
refreshToken HttpOnly true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored as HttpOnly and secure cookie.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
accessToken string Valid access token to be included in request headers.
expiresIn number Validity time in seconds of the access token.

Tasks API

This API provides a tasks management system. You can request all tasks or a single tasks, also you can create, edit, update or delete tasks. Please, check the details to know its implementation.

See all details

— Get all tasks

Only users with administrator role can read tasks from other users.
  GET /api/v1/tasks
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request parameters Type Required Description
project string true The name of project.
limit string false The number of results per page to return.
page string false Use this to page through the results.
search string false Search by title.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
pagination object Pagination data object with following propierties.
pagination.totalResults number The total number of results available for your request.
pagination.resultsPerPage number The number of results available per page.
pagination.prevPage number The number of previous page.
pagination.page number The number of actual page.
pagination.nextPage number The number of next page.
results array The results of the request.
results._id string Task ID.
results.title string Title of task.
results.authorId string Author ID of task.
results.createdAt string Task create date in ISO8601 format.
results.updatedAt string Task update date in ISO8601 format.
results.project string Task project name.
results.timing string Time the task was completed.
results.delivered string Date the task was completed. ISO8601 format required.
results.description string Description of the task.
stats object The stats of the request.
stats.totalPastMonthTiming number Total time of tasks completed in the past month.
stats.totalTasksPastMonth number Total tasks completed in the past month.
stats.totalCurrentMonthTiming number Total time of tasks completed in the current month.
stats.totalTasksCurrentMonth number Total tasks completed in the current month.
stats.performance string Performance between the current month and the past

— Get task

You can only read own tasks, except users with administrator role.
  GET /api/v1/tasks/${id}
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request parameters Type Required Description
id string true Task ID.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
result object The result of the request.
result._id string Task ID.
result.title string Title of task.
result.authorId string Author ID of task.
result.createdAt string Task create date in ISO8601 format.
result.updatedAt string Task update date in ISO8601 format.
result.project string Task project name.
result.timing string Time the task was completed.
result.delivered string Date the task was completed. ISO8601 format required.
result.description string Description of the task.

— Create task

  POST /api/v1/tasks
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request body Type Required Description
title string true Title of task.
project string true Task project name.
timing string true Time the task was completed.
delivered string true Date the task was completed. ISO8601 format required.
description string false Description of the task.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
newTask object The new task created.
newTask._id string Task ID.
newTask.title string Title of task.
newTask.authorId string Author ID of task.
newTask.createdAt string Task create date in ISO8601 format.
newTask.updatedAt string Task update date in ISO8601 format.
newTask.project string Task project name.
newTask.timing string Time the task was completed.
newTask.delivered string Date the task was completed. ISO8601 format required.
newTask.description string Description of the task.

— Update task

You can only update own tasks, even the admin can't update yours either.
  PATCH /api/v1/tasks/${id}
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request parameters Type Required Description
id string true Task ID.
Request body Type Required Description
title string false Title of task.
project string false Task project name.
timing string false Time the task was completed.
month string false Month the task was completed.
delivered string false Date the task was completed.
description string false Description of the task.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
updatedTask object The task updated.
updatedTask._id string Task ID.
updatedTask.title string Title of task.
updatedTask.authorId string Author ID of task.
updatedTask.createdAt string Task create date in ISO8601 format.
updatedTask.updatedAt string Task update date in ISO8601 format.
updatedTask.project string Task project name.
updatedTask.timing string Time the task was completed.
updatedTask.delivered string Date the task was completed. ISO8601 format required.
updatedTask.description string Description of the task.

— Delete task

You can only delete own tasks.
  DELETE /api/v1/tasks/${id}
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request parameters Type Required Description
id string true ID task.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.

Projects API

This API provides a project management system. You can request all projects or a single project, also you can create, edit, update or delete projects. Please, check the details to know its implementation.

See all details

— Get all projects

Only users with administrator role can read projects from other users.
  GET /api/v1/projects
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request parameters Type Required Description
limit string false The number of results per page to return.
page string false Use this to page through the results.
search string false Search by title.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
pagination object Pagination data object with following propierties.
pagination.totalResults number The total number of results available for your request.
pagination.resultsPerPage number The number of results available per page.
pagination.prevPage number The number of previous page.
pagination.page number The number of actual page.
pagination.nextPage number The number of next page.
results array The results of the request.
results._id string Project ID.
results.name string Name of project.
results.authorId string Author ID of project.
results.createdAt string Project create date in ISO8601 format.
results.totalTasks number Total tasks of project.
stats object The stats of the request.
stats.bestProjectOfPastMonth string The name of best project with more tasks in the past month.

— Get project

You can only read own projects, except users with administrator role.
  GET /api/v1/projects/${id}
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request parameters Type Required Description
id string true Project ID.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
results array The result of the request.
results._id string Project ID.
results.name string Name of project.
results.authorId string Author ID of project.
results.createdAt string Project create date in ISO8601 format.
results.totalTasks number Total tasks of project.

— Create project

  POST /api/v1/projects
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request body Type Required Description
name string true Name of project.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
newProject object The new project created.
newProject._id string Project ID.
newProject.name string Name of project.
newProject.authorId string Author ID of project.
newProject.createdAt string Project create date in ISO8601 format.

— Update project

You can only update own projects, even the admin can't update yours either.
  PATCH /api/v1/projects/${id}
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request parameters Type Required Description
id string true Project ID.
Request body Type Required Description
name string false Name of project.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
updatedProject object The project updated.
updatedProject._id string Project ID.
updatedProject.name string Name of project.
updatedProject.authorId string Author ID of project.
updatedProject.createdAt string Project create date in ISO8601 format.

— Delete project

You can only delete own projects.
  DELETE /api/v1/projects/${id}
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request parameters Type Required Description
id string true Project ID.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.

Users API

This API provides an users management system. You can request all users or a single user, also you can update or delete users. Please, check the details to know its implementation.

See all details

— Get all users

Only for users with administrator role.
  GET /api/v1/users
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request parameters Type Required Description
limit string false The number of results per page to return.
page string false Use this to page through the results.
search string false Search by title.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
pagination object Pagination data object with following propierties.
pagination.totalResults number The total number of results available for your request.
pagination.resultsPerPage number The number of results available per page.
pagination.prevPage number The number of previous page.
pagination.page number The number of actual page.
pagination.nextPage number The number of next page.
results array The results of the request.
results._id string User ID.
results.username string Name of user.
results.registeredAt string User registry date in ISO8601 format.
results.lastActiveAt string Date in ISO8601 format of the last time the user was active.
results.role number Role of user.
results.email string Valid email of new user.
results.avatar string URL of image.
results.confirmationToken string Valid JWT token generated at registry.
results.confirmation_status boolean Account status.

— Get user

You can only read your own data. Full response for users with administrator role.
  GET /api/v1/users/${uid}
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valu JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request parameters Type Required Description
uid string true User ID.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
result object The result of the request.
result._id string User ID.
result.username string Name of user.
result.role number Role of user.
result.registeredAt string User registry date in ISO8601 format.
result.lastActiveAt string Date in ISO8601 format of the last time the user was active.
result.email string Valid email of new user.
result.avatar string URL of image.
result.confirmationToken string Valid JWT token generated at registry.
result.confirmation_status boolean Account status.

— Update user

You can only update your data, even the admin can't update you either.
  PATCH /api/v1/users/${uid}
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request parameters Type Required Description
uid string true User ID.
Request body Type Description
username string New name of user.
email string New valid email of user.
avatar string URL of new image.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
user object The user of the request.
user._id string User ID.
user.email string Valid email of new user.
user.username string Name of user.
user.avatar string URL of image.
user.role number Role of user.

— Delete user

Only for users with administrator role.
  DELETE /api/v1/users/${uid}
HTTP Headers Type Required Description
Authorization bearer token true Valid JWT token generated at login and stored in a secure cookie.
Request parameters Type Required Description
uid string true User ID.
Response body Type Description
status string In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.

Environment variables

To run this server, you must create an .env file in the root of your project with the following variables. Remember to also set these on your hosting when you go to production mode:

Key Type Description
DATABASE string Link to your MongoDB connection.
ACCESS_KEY string Secret key to sign your access tokens.
REFRESH_KEY string Secret key to sign your refresh tokens.
CONFIRMATION_ACCOUNT_KEY string Secret key to sign your confirmation account tokens.
RESET_PASSWORD_KEY string Secret key to sign your reset password tokens.
EMAIL_USER string Email account to be used with nodemailer.
EMAIL_PASS string Password of email account to be used with nodemailer.
FRONTEND_URL string Link to client side, e.g.: http://localhost:7000
BACKEND_URL string Link to server side, e.g.: http://localhost:5000

To generate base64 secret keys you can use GeneratePlus.


Keeping in mind that the reason of to be of this project is to learn, I want to continue expanding it and these are the next challenges.

  • Items per page and pagination params to GET requests.
  • Unique access and refresh tokens per user.
  • Add date filter on tasks.
  • Requests by projects or by the name or type of task.
  • Design mails for confirmation account, resend account confirmation and forgot password.
  • Refactor the code to use Postgres Database with Supabase instead of MongoDB and Google Firebase.
  • Automatically calculate earned objectives based on the time it takes to complete a task and the budget that the project has to pay this.
  • Stateful sessions (maybe?).

Obviously, you can suggest new challenges on GitHub discussions or via email (located in Github profile page).


First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else (especially me) and are greatly appreciated.

Please be kind and try to create bug reports that are:

  • Reproducible. Include steps to reproduce the problem.
  • Specific. Include as much detail as possible: which version, what environment, etc.
  • Unique. Do not duplicate existing opened issues.
  • Scoped to a Single Bug. One bug per report.

Go to issues


This project was developed under the GPL-3.0 license, see the LICENSE file in the project root for the full license text.


I am grateful to these incredible resources and guys who directly or indirectly helped me in the development of this project: