
Internet Messenger, the main function of which is the transmission of memes

Primary LanguageC++


Local Messenger, the main function of which is the transmission of memes. Project will be updated. We use SFML library. Install https://www.sfml-dev.org/download.php We use SSH for send and recieve message. We use network for classications memes. You have to: Linux SFML-library g++(14) SSH LIBRARY(9.0) (information: https://github.com/GELGOOG-STUTZER/ssh_attempt) Python(3.8) torch, torchvision

RUN: Before start: You have to customize personal_settings: 1) share SSH-keys with your friends 2) create directory, for you and your friend 3) change ip, and names 13-18 strings in ../inception/global_variables.hpp START: in ../inception: g++ -c paint.cpp g++ paint.o -o paint -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system -lsfml-audio -lssh -lstdc++fs ./paint

CAPABILITIES: share messages, memes, classication of memes. Screenshots: SIGN INFO CHECK_PASSWORD FRIEND_LIST MESSAGE