
A basic backend which offers REST web services for a synthesizers showcase web application.

Primary LanguageJava

Synthesizers Showcase BE

A basic backend which offers REST web services for a synthesizers showcase web application.

SW created in order to practice the following topics:

  • Java language
  • SpringBoot
  • Spring Data/JPA
  • Spring Data REST

Software required

  • Java JDK ( v.8 or later )
  • Apache Maven 3.8.1
  • WampServer Version 3.2.3
  • Visual Studio Code (latest version)
  • REST Client Extension for VS Code


  1. Install the required software
  2. Git clone the repository
  3. Launch Wamp server
  4. Create the necessary MySQL Database in order to contain synthesizer's data ( for example using phpMyAdmin dashboard )
  5. Run the SynthesizersShowcaseApplication.java file from Visual Studio Code (or use the Spring Boot Dashboard installing the Spring Boot Extension Pack for VS Code)
  6. Send requests from the RESTClient.http file in order to test the web services