
In CentOS / Red Hat Debian and Ubuntu is a complete automation LTMH / LNMH / LNMP / LTMP installation script

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


In CentOS / Red Hat Debian and Ubuntu is a complete automation LTMH / LNMH / LNMP / LTMP installation script This script is free collection of shell scripts for rapid deployment of LTMH/LNMH/LTMP/ LNMP stacks (Linux, Tengine/Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB/PHP/ hhvm) for CentOS/Redhat Debian and Ubuntu.

Script features:

  • Constant updates

  • Source compiler installation, most source code is the latest stable version, and downloaded from the official website

  • Fixes some security issues

  • You can freely choose to install database version (MySQL-5.6, MySQL-5.5, MariaDB-10.0, MariaDB-5.5)

  • You can freely choose to install PHP version (php-5.5, php-5.4, php-5.3)

  • You can freely choose to install hhvm version (hhvm3.1.0,hhvm3.3.0)

  • You can freely choose to install Tengine or Nginx

  • According to their needs can to install ngx_pagespeed

  • According to their needs can to install ZendOPcache, xcache, APCU, eAccelerator, ionCube and ZendGuardLoader (php-5.4, php-5.3)

  • According to their needs can to install Pureftpd, phpMyAdmin

  • According to their needs can to install memcached, redis

  • According to their needs can to optimize Nginx and Tengine with jemalloc or tcmalloc

    Tengien default has been compiled ngx_lua_waf (Web Firewall), dynamically loaded modules as needed

  • You can open ngx_lua_waf the necessary functions to : Prevent sql injection, local contain, some overflow, fuzzing test, xss, SSRF and other web attacks Prevent svn / backup class file leak ApacheBench prevent attacks like stress testing tool Shielding common hacking tools to scan, the scanner Abnormal network requests shield Shielding Pictures directory php execute permissions Accessories Upload prevent webshell

  • A key to add a virtual host

  • Nginx/Tengine, PHP,HHVM, Redis, phpMyAdmin upgrade script provided

  • A key backup support,Automatic qiniu.com cloud storage space

How to use :

##LTMH / LNMH only supports 64-bit operating system (Ubuntu 14.04, Debian7.X,Centos6.x)

   yum -y install wget screen # for CentOS/Redhat
   #apt-get -y install wget screen # for Debian/Ubuntu 
   wget -c http://soft.hhvmc.com/dl/latest/ltmh.tar.gz
   tar xzf ltmh.tar.gz
   cd ltmh
   chmod 777 install_lnmp.sh install_ltmh.sh 
   ##You can choose to install:Tengine+Mysql+HHVM,Nginx+Mysql+HHVM (Execute scripts ./install_ltmh.sh )
   ###You can choose to install:Nginx+Mysql+php,Tengine+Mysql+Php (Execute scripts ./install_lnmp.sh )
   ##Prevent interrupt the installation process. If the network is down, you can execute commands `screen -r ltmh` network reconnect the installation window.
   screen -S ltmh
   ./install_lnmp.sh or ./install_ltmh.sh 

How to add a virtual host


Hown to backup

   ./backup.sh ##Backup Initialization 

How to manage service


   service nginx {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart|try-restart|reload|force-reload|configtest}
   ##tengine:/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -t ,-v ,-m , -V
   ##tengine:/usr/local/nginx/sbin/dso_tool --add-module=......


   service mysqld {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|status}


   service php-fpm {start|stop|force-quit|restart|reload|status}


   service hhvm {start|stop|restart|reload|status}


   service pureftpd {start|stop|restart|condrestart|status}


   service redis-server {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart|try-restart|reload|force-reload}


   service memcached {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload}

How to upgrade

   ./up_php.sh # upgrade PHP
   ./up_web_ser.sh # upgrade Nginx/Tengine
   ./up_redis.sh # upgrade Redis 
   ./up_phpmyadmin.sh # upgrade phpMyAdmin 

How to uninstall


For feedback, questions, and to follow the progress of the project:
LTMH the latest source install script:http://www.hhvmc.com/thread-17-1-1.html
Thank you very much http://blog.linuxeye.com of yeho, learn a lot, learned a lot of things, thanks again!