OpenBench is a Distributed SPRT Testing Framework for Chess Engines
Setting up the Client for an OpenBench instance
1) Obtain a working python3 installation
2) download
3) Move to its own directory
# Username & Password from creating an account on the server
# Threads should be all cores minus one, or all hyper-threads minus two, at most
# Compiler will usually just be gcc/g++. This option allows support for gcc-versionX
# Profile uses PGO builds. Only enable if you are sure it gains speed, and is supported
python3 -U username -P password -S server -T threads -C compiler -O profile
Please report all issues here in this repo. OpenBench is still very much in development,
and issues are bound to occur. Differences in Operating System, bash/cmd interface, cutechess
compatibility issues, and many more are anticipated
Setting up your own OpenBench instance
1) Obtain a working python3 installing
2) pip3 install Django=2.0.6
3) Run the ./ script
4) python3 createsuperuser
5) Run the ./ script
6) You will want to create a non-superuser account
7) Go into the admin interface for the account, set enabled and approver flags
Configuing OpenBench to use your Engine
In OpenBench/, add your Engine to the engines list. Follow the defined
template, which explains how to determine the NPS factor for your engine
Things to avoid using, doing or modifying
1) Threads=X MUST be in the options of ALL tests, for the time being
2) No spaces in option names or values. I could write the parsing code,
but there really is NO reason to have spaces here. Shame on you.
3) More to come as I think of them and or realize my incompetency