in SketchUp Ruby Script
Mov is for moving entities by axis and by fixed scale
- only contains one module named Mov
Sca is for scaling entities by axis and by fixed scale
- only contains one module named Sca
Cge is for editing component and group
- module Cge::DC is for dynamic component
- module Cge::MoveTool is for moving instance(ComponentInstance | Group) by its axis, with a GUI
- module Cge::Move is for other moving operation such as grouding and aligning
- module Cge::Deform is for checking whether a instance has a "abnormal" transformation
- module Cge::Defs is to check or clean DefinitionList
Sel is for selection operation
- module Sel::Width/ Height/ Depth/ Size is for selecting instances by their size, Size is the supermodule
- module Sel::Edit is for those can modify entities
- module Sel::Surf is for surface operation
Arh is for architecture modelling
- module Arh::BuildTool is for very basical architecture modelling such as wall building
Proj is for projection operation
- only contains one module named Proj
Trans is for transforming and shaping in some complex way
- Trans::Reduction uses simpler shape to describe a common shape
- Trans::Rand is random moving
- Trans::Curve is for drawing curve
Cam is for camera action
- only contains one module named Cam yet