
This is a beginner Pokemon Game Project made using various OOP's concepts and written in C++.

Primary LanguageC++


This is a beginner Pokemon Game Project made using various OOP's concepts and had been written in C++.

How to download and Run the Project

Step 0.) Go to 4th Step if you want to include sound in the Project else Go to 5th Step.

Step 1.) IN VS CODE :- setup vs code using given YouTube Link :- https://youtu.be/9WeDQHi6sJs

Step 2.) IN CODE BLOCKS :- Setup Code Block using Given Link :- https://youtu.be/YfHquRENMUI

Step 3.) IN DEV C++ :- Setup Dev C++ using Given Link :- https://youtu.be/7pTUeSPFhIM

Step 4.) Perform 1/2/3 step , Now Compile the main_new_with_sound.cpp file

Step 5.) Now Compile the main_new_without_sound.cpp file

How to Play the Game

1.) Catch as many as pokemon you can catch and train them

2.) Defeat the Pokemon Gym trainer

3.) Win the Badge to win the Game
