
Python: selenium, beautifulsoup2, celery, rabbitmq, Amazon AWS(EC2, S3)

Primary LanguagePython


Python: selenium, beautifulsoup2, celery, rabbitmq, Amazon AWS(EC2, S3)

client.py : running on one machine, is the "main" script to collect urls and send them to workers

        python client.py or python client.py aNumber (only 1~that number pages be tested)

proj folder: running on many workers to do tasks to save htmls to s3 storage


admin folder: after client and workers finished all tasks, there are some scripts to verify its completeness

check.py: to find the first missing html file during the process if some error happends
checkAndUpload.py: to check which is missing but also upload the missing ones to s3
count.py:to find the total user numbers on kaggle.com
upload.py: is used by checkAndUpload, same with that one in proj folder

you need to install all necessary libs before you run the code