
Project made during my internship at Jade Hochschule.

Primary LanguagePython


Table of content

  1. General Info
  2. Technologies
  3. Setup
  4. How to use

General Info

This project is a website project to allow students to book computers, it also allows teachers and other admin to monitor the room's efficiency through various statistics

Important : as the server on which the database is running, and we are connected to is 2 hours early, some of the times durations have hard-coded offsets (for example: the event to change the state of a booking).


  • database : mysql
  • backend :
    • python version=3.8
    • pipenv version=11.9.0
    • pipenv packages :
        ├──  django version=4.0.4 
        ├──  djangorestframework version=3.13.1
        ├──  mysqlclient version=2.1.0
        ├──  requests version=2.27.1
        └──  python-dateutil version=2.8.2 
  • frontend :
    • NodeJs version=17.9.0
    • npm version=8.5.5
    • npm dependencies :
        ├── @babel/core@7.17.9
        ├── @babel/preset-env@7.16.11
        ├── @babel/preset-react@7.16.7
        ├── @date-io/moment@2.13.1
        ├── @emotion/react@11.9.0
        ├── @emotion/styled@11.8.1
        ├── @mui/icons-material@5.6.2
        ├── @mui/material@5.6.4
        ├── @mui/styled-engine@5.6.1
        ├── @mui/x-data-grid@5.10.0
        ├── @mui/x-date-pickers@5.0.0-alpha.1
        ├── axios@0.26.1
        ├── babel-loader@8.2.4
        ├── concurrently@6.5.1
        ├── css-loader@6.7.1
        ├── moment@2.29.3
        ├── react-chartjs-2@4.1.0
        ├── react-dom@17.0.2
        ├── react-router-dom@5.3.1
        ├── react@17.0.2
        ├── style-loader@3.3.1
        ├── webpack-cli@4.9.2    
        └── webpack@5.72.0



To set up the project in dev you need to be located in the /CAxBooking_django_react/frontend folder and run

npm run init

then run

npm run serve

and both the django server and the node server should be running.



How to use

Django in general

This part is just a very large overview of Django/DjangoRestAPI's frameworks, it is highly recommended checking the documentation of both of those to understand the project structure a little better.

Django architecture

The main project structure is as follows :

|   ├──api/
|   |   ├──models.py
|   |   ├──views/
|   |   ├──urls.py
|   |   └── ...
|   ├──frontend/
|   |   ├──src/
|   |   |   ├──component/
|   |   |   |  └── ...
|   |   |   └──index.js
|   |   └── ...
|   ├──CAxBooking_django_react/
|   |   ├──settings.py
|   |   └── ...
|   ├──manage.py
└── └── ... 

The projects settings are in the CAxBooking_django_react/CAxBooking_django_react/ folder there you have the settings.py file that allows you to change settings like the different apps installed in the Django project and the connections information of the database.

Then the two other folders are apps we are using one for the backend(api) and another for the frontend(frontend)

In the frontend app a ReactJs project was implemented and almost none of the Django generated files were modified except for urls.py.

The api folder deals with all of the backend of the website, in the models folder you have all of the models used in the rest of the project.

In the views folder there is a file for each of the 4 main tables in the database/models of the project, Bookings, Rooms, Users Computers. In these files you can find all of the api requests that are used by the website while running. To format the responses of the views, we use the serializers.py file.

Django manage

There are different commands that you can use with the manage.py file, the one that are the most used are python3 manage.py makemigration to set up for the different migrations that might have happened in the project, and the python3 manage.py migrate that proceeds to make the different migrations


The database is a simple MySQL database with a few tables, and one event used to update the bookings status every minutes. The database is connected to Django via the settings.py file, each and every model from the models.py file are translatable in a database table.


React is a JavaScript component based library, for more info check the documentation.

The project only has 4 pages :

  • the Connection page
  • the "Main Page" page
  • the Room page
  • and the Admin page


This project was developed in the course of an internship at Jade Hochschule, by two students, if for maintenance purpose, or just to understand better, please contact us here :