Put DATABASE_URL string in .env file on project root. Example content:
Install PostgreSQL on your system and ensure the credentials above can access 'event_service' database.
If you're starting from scratch you can follow these steps using psql with postgres user:
- $
sudo -i -u postgres
- $
- postgres=#
CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD 'password';
- postgres=#
CREATE DATABASE event_service OWNER username;
- postgres=#
Database tables will be created by event-service on startup if missing.
$ cargo run
From another terminal you can try:
$ curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"event_id": 3, "user": "admin", "text": "A comment", "timestamp": 123}' http://localhost:3000/events/3/comments
Open the database (for instance with pgAdmin) and check that comments table contains the row.