
Cocoa wrappers and helpers for RubyMotion (Ruby for iOS) - Making Cocoa APIs more Ruby like, one API at a time. Fork away and send your pull requests.

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

BubbleWrap for RubyMotion

A collection of (tested) helpers and wrappers used to wrap Cocoa Touch and AppKit code and provide more Ruby like APIs.

BubbleWrap website BubbleWrap mailing list

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gem install bubble-wrap


  1. Edit the Rakefile of your RubyMotion project and add the following require line:
require 'bubble-wrap'

If you are requiring bubble-wrap for RubyMotion 2.0 (iOS or OS X), use Bundler and specify version greater than 1.3.0:

gem "bubble-wrap", "~> 1.3.0"

BubbleWrap is split into multiple modules so that you can easily choose which parts are included at compile-time.

The above example requires the core and http modules. If you wish to only include the core modules use the following line of code instead:

require 'bubble-wrap/core'

If you wish to only include the HTTP wrapper:

require 'bubble-wrap/http'

If you wish to only include the RSS Parser wrapper:

require 'bubble-wrap/rss_parser'

If you wish to only include the Reactor wrapper:

require 'bubble-wrap/reactor'

If you wish to only include the UI-related wrappers:

require 'bubble-wrap/ui'

If you wish to only include the Camera wrapper:

require 'bubble-wrap/camera'

If you wish to only include the Location wrapper:

require 'bubble-wrap/location'

If you wish to only include the Media wrapper:

require 'bubble-wrap/media'

If you wish to only include the Mail wrapper:

require 'bubble-wrap/mail'

If you wish to only include the SMS wrapper:

require 'bubble-wrap/sms'

If you want to include everything (ie kitchen sink mode) you can save time and do:

require 'bubble-wrap/all'

Note: DON'T use app.files = in your Rakefile to set up your files once you've required BubbleWrap. Make sure to append onto the array or use +=.

  1. Now, you can use BubbleWrap extension in your app:
class AppDelegate
  def application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions)
    puts "#{App.name} (#{App.documents_path})"

Note: You can also vendor this repository but the recommended way is to use the versioned gem.



UUID generator:

=> "68ED21DB-82E5-4A56-ABEB-73650C0DB701"

Localization (using NSBundle.mainBundle.localizedStringForKey):

BubbleWrap.localized_string(:foo, 'fallback')
=> "fallback"

Color conversion:

BubbleWrap.rgba_color(23, 45, 12, 0.4)
=> #<UIDeviceRGBColor:0x6db6ed0>
BubbleWrap.rgb_color(23, 45, 12)
=> #<UIDeviceRGBColor:0x8ca88b0>
=> #<UICachedDeviceRGBColor:0xda535c0>
=> #<UICachedDeviceWhiteColor:0x8bb5be0>
=> #<UIDeviceRGBColor:0x8d54110>

Debug flag:

=> false
BubbleWrap.debug = true
=> true
=> true


A module with useful methods related to the running application

> App.documents_path
# "/Users/mattetti/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications/EEC6454E-1816-451E-BB9A-EE18222E1A8F/Documents"
> App.resources_path
# "/Users/mattetti/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications/EEC6454E-1816-451E-BB9A-EE18222E1A8F/testSuite_spec.app"
> App.name
# "testSuite"
> App.identifier
# "io.bubblewrap.testSuite"
> App.alert("BubbleWrap is awesome!")
# creates and shows an alert message.
> App.alert("BubbleWrap is awesome!", {cancel_button_title: "I know it is!", message: "Like, seriously awesome."})
# creates and shows an alert message with optional parameters.
> App.run_after(0.5) {  p "It's #{Time.now}"   }
# Runs the block after 0.5 seconds.
> App.open_url("http://matt.aimonetti.net")
# Opens the url using the device's browser. (accepts a string url or an instance of `NSURL`.
> App::Persistence['channels'] # application specific persistence storage
# ['NBC', 'ABC', 'Fox', 'CBS', 'PBS']
> App::Persistence['channels'] = ['TF1', 'France 2', 'France 3']
# ['TF1', 'France 2', 'France 3']
> App.environment
# 'test'

Other available methods:

  • App.notification_center
  • App.user_cache
  • App.states
  • App.frame
  • App.delegate
  • App.shared
  • App.window
  • App.current_locale
  • App.release?
  • App.test?
  • App.development?


A collection of useful methods about the current device:


> Device.iphone?
# true
> Device.ipad?
# false
> Device.camera.front?
# true
> Device.camera.rear?
# true
> Device.orientation
# :portrait
> Device.interface_orientation
# :portrait
> Device.simulator?
# true
> Device.ios_version
# "6.0"
> Device.retina?
# false
> Device.screen.width
# 320
> Device.screen.height
# 480
> Device.screen.width_for_orientation(:landscape_left)
# 480
> Device.screen.height_for_orientation(:landscape_left)
# 320


Added interface for better camera access:

# Uses the front camera
BW::Device.camera.front.picture(media_types: [:movie, :image]) do |result|
  image_view = UIImageView.alloc.initWithImage(result[:original_image])

# Uses the rear camera
BW::Device.camera.rear.picture(media_types: [:movie, :image]) do |result|
  image_view = UIImageView.alloc.initWithImage(result[:original_image])

# Uses the photo library
BW::Device.camera.any.picture(media_types: [:movie, :image]) do |result|
  image_view = UIImageView.alloc.initWithImage(result[:original_image])


BW::JSON wraps NSJSONSerialization available in iOS5 and offers the same API as Ruby's JSON std lib. For apps building for iOS4, we suggest a different JSON alternative, like AnyJSON.

BW::JSON.generate({'foo => 1, 'bar' => [1,2,3], 'baz => 'awesome'})
=> "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":[1,2,3],\"baz\":\"awesome\"}"
BW::JSON.parse "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":[1,2,3],\"baz\":\"awesome\"}"
=> {"foo"=>1, "bar"=>[1, 2, 3], "baz"=>"awesome"}


Helper methods added to give NSIndexPath a bit more of a Ruby interface.


Helper methods to give NSNotificationCenter a Ruby-like interface:

def viewWillAppear(animated)
  @foreground_observer = App.notification_center.observe UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification do |notification|

  @reload_observer = App.notification_center.observe 'ReloadNotification' do |notification|

def viewWillDisappear(animated)
  App.notification_center.unobserve @foreground_observer
  App.notification_center.unobserve @reload_observer

def reload
  App.notification_center.post 'ReloadNotification'


Helper methods added to the class repsonsible for user preferences used by the App::Persistence module shown below.


Offers a way to persist application specific information using a very simple interface:

> App::Persistence['channels'] # application specific persistence storage
# ['NBC', 'ABC', 'Fox', 'CBS', 'PBS']
> App::Persistence['channels'] = ['TF1', 'France 2', 'France 3']
# ['TF1', 'France 2', 'France 3']
> App::Persistence.delete('channels')
# ['TF1', 'France 2', 'France 3']
> App::Persistence['something__new'] # something previously never stored
# nil


Since: > version 0.4

You can observe for object's changes and trigger blocks:

class ExampleViewController < UIViewController
  include BW::KVO

  def viewDidLoad
	@label = UILabel.alloc.initWithFrame [[20,20],[280,44]]
	@label.text = ""
	view.addSubview @label

    observe(@label, :text) do |old_value, new_value|
      puts "Hello from viewDidLoad!"

  def viewDidAppear(animated)
    observe(@label, :text) do |old_value, new_value|
      puts "Hello from viewDidAppear!"



The Ruby String class was extended to add #camelize and #underscore methods.

> "matt_aimonetti".camelize
=> "MattAimonetti"
> "MattAimonetti".underscore
=> "matt_aimonetti"


The Time Ruby class was added a class level method to convert a iso8601 formatted string into a Time instance.

> Time.iso8601("2012-05-31T19:41:33Z")
=> 2012-05-31 21:41:33 +0200


Added interface for Ruby-like GPS access:

BW::Location.get do |result|
  p "From Lat #{result[:from].latitude}, Long #{result[:from].longitude}"
  p "To Lat #{result[:to].latitude}, Long #{result[:to].longitude}"

Also available is BW::Location.get_significant, for monitoring significant location changes.


Added wrapper for playing remote and local media. Available are modal and custom presentation styles:

# Plays in your custom frame
local_file = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(File.join(NSBundle.mainBundle.resourcePath, 'test.mp3'))
BW::Media.play(local_file) do |media_player|
  media_player.view.frame = [[10, 100], [100, 100]]
  self.view.addSubview media_player.view

# Plays in an independent modal controller


Wrapper for showing an in-app mail composer view.

# Opens as a modal in the current UIViewController
BW::Mail.compose {
  delegate: self, # optional, defaults to rootViewController
  to: [ "tom@example.com" ],
  cc: [ "itchy@example.com", "scratchy@example.com" ],
  bcc: [ "jerry@example.com" ],
  html: false,
  subject: "My Subject",
  message: "This is my message. It isn't very long.",
  animated: false
} do |result, error|
  result.sent?      # => boolean
  result.canceled?  # => boolean
  result.saved?     # => boolean
  result.failed?    # => boolean
  error             # => NSError


Wrapper for showing an in-app message (SMS) composer view.

# Opens as a modal in the current UIViewController
    BW::SMS.compose (
       delegate: self, # optional, will use root view controller by default
       to: [ "1(234)567-8910" ],
       message: "This is my message. It isn't very long.",
       animated: false
    }) {|result, error|
       result.sent?      # => boolean
       result.canceled?  # => boolean
       result.failed?    # => boolean
       error             # => NSError



Extra methods on UIView for working with gesture recognizers. A gesture recognizer can be added using a normal Ruby block, like so:

    view.when_tapped do
        animations:lambda {
          # animate
          # @view.transform = ...

There are similar methods for pinched, rotated, swiped, panned, and pressed (for long presses). All of the methods return the actual recognizer object, so it is possible to set the delegate if more fine-grained control is needed.


A custom method was added to UIViewController to return the content frame of a view controller.

UIControl / UIButton

Helper methods to give UIButton a Ruby-like interface. Ex:

button.when(UIControlEventTouchUpInside) do
  self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor

Set the use_weak_callbacks flag so the blocks do not retain a strong reference to self:

BubbleWrap.use_weak_callbacks = true


BW::UIBarButtonItem is a subclass of UIBarButtonItem with an natural Ruby syntax.


Instead specifying a target-action pair, each constructor method accepts an optional block. When the button is tapped, the block is executed.

BW::UIBarButtonItem.system(:save) do
  # ...

title = "Friends"
BW::UIBarButtonItem.styled(:plain, title) do
  # ...

image = UIImage.alloc.init
BW::UIBarButtonItem.styled(:bordered, image) do
  # ...

image     = UIImage.alloc.init
landscape = UIImage.alloc.init
BW::UIBarButtonItem.styled(:bordered, image, landscape) do
  # ...

view = UIView.alloc.init
BW::UIBarButtonItem.custom(view) do
  # ...
# NOTE: The block is attached to the view as a single tap gesture recognizer.

The .new constructor provides a flexible, builder-style syntax.

options = { :system => :save }
BW::UIBarButtonItem.new(options) do
  # ...

options = { :styled => :plain, :title => "Friends" }
BW::UIBarButtonItem.new(options) do
  # ...

options = { :styled => :bordered, :image => UIImage.alloc.init }
BW::UIBarButtonItem.new(options) do
  # ...

options = {
  :styled    => :bordered,
  :image     => UIImage.alloc.init,
  :landscape => UIImage.alloc.init
BW::UIBarButtonItem.new(options) do
  # ...

options = { :custom => UIView.alloc.init }
BW::UIBarButtonItem.new(options) do
  # ...
# NOTE: The block is attached to the view as a single tap gesture recognizer.

Button types

The .styled button types are:


And the .system button types are:



BW::HTTP wraps NSURLRequest, NSURLConnection and friends to provide Ruby developers with a more familiar and easier to use API. The API uses async calls and blocks to stay as simple as possible.

To enable it add the following require line to your Rakefile:

require 'bubble-wrap/http'

Usage example:

BW::HTTP.get("https://api.github.com/users/mattetti") do |response|
  p response.body.to_str
BW::HTTP.get("https://api.github.com/users/mattetti", {credentials: {username: 'matt', password: 'aimonetti'}}) do |response|
  p response.body.to_str # prints the response's body
data = {first_name: 'Matt', last_name: 'Aimonetti'}
BW::HTTP.post("http://foo.bar.com/", {payload: data}) do |response|
  if response.ok?
    json = BW::JSON.parse(response.body.to_str)
    p json['id']
  elsif response.status_code.to_s =~ /40\d/
    App.alert("Login failed")

To upload files to a server, provide a files: hash:

data = {token: "some-api-token"}
avatar_data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(UIImage.imageNamed("some-image"))
avatar = { data: avatar_data, filename: "some-image.png", content_type: "image/png" }

BW::HTTP.post("http://foo.bar.com/", {payload: data}, files: { avatar: avatar }) do |response|
  if response.ok?
    # files are uploaded

A :download_progress option can also be passed. The expected object would be a Proc that takes two arguments: a float representing the amount of data currently received and another float representing the total amount of data expected.

Connections can also be cancelled. Just keep a refrence,

@conn = BW::HTTP.get("https://api.github.com/users/mattetti") do |response|
  p response.body.to_str

and send the cancel method to it asynchronously as desired. The block will not be executed.



Because of how RubyMotion currently works, you sometimes need to assign objects as @instance_variables in order to retain their callbacks.

For example:

class HttpClient
  def get_user(user_id, &callback)
    BW::HTTP.get(user_url(user_id)) do |response|
      # ..

This class should be invoked in your code as:

@http_client = HttpClient.new
@http_client.get_user(user_id) do |user|
  # ..

(instead of doing an instance-variable-less HttpClient.new.get_user)

RSS Parser

Since: > version 1.0.0

The RSS Parser provides an easy interface to consume RSS feeds in an asynchronous (non blocking) way.

feed_parser = BW::RSSParser.new("http://feeds2.feedburner.com/sdrbpodcast")
feed_parser.parse do |item|
  # called asynchronously as items get parsed
  p item.title

The yielded RSS item is of type RSSParser::RSSItem and has the following attributes:

  • title
  • description
  • link
  • guid
  • pubDate
  • enclosure

The item can be converted into a hash by calling to_hash on it.


Since: > version 1.0.0

You can also designate a delegate to the parser and implement change state callbacks:

feed_parser = BW::RSSParser.new("http://feeds.feedburner.com/sdrbpodcast")
feed_parser.delegate = self
feed_parser.parse do |item|
  p item.title

# Delegate method
def when_parser_initializes
  p "The parser is ready!"

def when_parser_parses
  p "The parser started parsing the document"

def when_parser_is_done
  p "The feed is entirely parsed, congratulations!"

def when_parser_errors
  p "The parser encountered an error"
  ns_error = feed_parser.parserError
  p ns_error.localizedDescription

These delegate methods are optional, however, you might find the when_parser_is_done callback useful if you collected all the items and want to process all at once for instance.

Parsing a remote content or actual data

You have the choice to initialize a parser instance with a string representing an URL, an instance of NSURL or my specifying that the passed param is some data to parse directly.

# string representing an url:
feed_parser = BW::RSSParser.new("http://feeds2.feedburner.com/sdrbpodcast")
# a NSURL instance:
url =  NSURL.alloc.initWithString("http://matt.aimonetti.net/atom.xml")
feed_parser = BW::RSSParser.new(url)
# Some data
feed = File.read('atom.xml')
feed_parser = BW::RSSParser.new(feed, true)


Since: > version 1.0.0

BW::Reactor is a simplified, mostly complete implementation of the Event Machine API. In fact BW::Reactor is aliased to EM in the runtime environment.


BubbleWrap provides both a Deferrable mixin and a DefaultDeferrable class, which simply mixes in deferrable behaviour if you don't want to implement your own.

A deferrable is an object with four states: unknown, successful, failure and timeout. When you initially create a deferrable it is in an unknown state, however you can assign callbacks to be run when the object changes to either successful or failure state.


> d = EM::DefaultDeferrable.new
=> #<BW::Reactor::DefaultDeferrable:0x6d859a0>
> d.callback { |what| puts "Great #{what}!" }
=> [#<Proc:0x6d8a1e0>]
> d.succeed "justice"
Great justice!
=> nil


> d = EM::DefaultDeferrable.new
=> #<BW::Reactor::DefaultDeferrable:0x8bf3ee0>
> d.errback { |what| puts "Great #{what}!" }
=> [#<Proc:0x8bf3ef0>]
> d.fail "sadness"
Great sadness!
=> nil


> d = EM::DefaultDeferrable.new
=> #<BW::Reactor::DefaultDeferrable:0x8bf5910>
> d.errback { puts "Great scott!" }
=> [#<Proc:0x8bf6350>]
> d.timeout 2
=> #<BW::Reactor::Timer:0x6d920a0 @timer=#<__NSCFTimer:0x6d91990>>
# wait...
> Great scott!


All timers can be cancelled using EM.cancel_timer.

One-shot timers

> EM.add_timer 1.0 do
>   puts "Great scott!"
> end
=> 146335904
> Great scott!

Periodic timers

> count = 0
=> 0
> timer = EM.add_periodic_timer 1.0 do
>   count = count + 1
>   puts "Great scott!"
>   (count < 10) || EM.cancel_timer(timer)
> end
=> 146046832
> Great scott!
Great scott!
Great scott!
Great scott!
Great scott!
Great scott!
Great scott!
Great scott!
Great scott!
Great scott!

Scheduling operations

You can use EM.schedule to schedule blocks to be executed asynchronously. BubbleWrap deviates from the EventMachine API here in that it also provides EM.schedule_on_main which makes sure that the task is run asynchronously, but on the application's main thread - this is necessary if you are updating the user interface.

> EM.schedule { puts Thread.current.object_id }
=> nil
> EM.schedule_on_main { puts Thread.current.object_id }
=> nil

Deferrable operations

You can also use EM.defer in much the same way as EM.schedule with one important difference, you can pass in a second proc which will be called when the first has completed, and be passed it's result as an argument. Just like EM.schedule, EM.defer also has an EM.defer_on_main version.

> operation = proc { 88 }
=> #<Proc:0x6d763c0>
> callback = proc { |speed| puts speed >= 88 ? "Time travel!" : "Conventional travel!" }
=> #<Proc:0x8bd3910>
> EM.defer(operation, callback)
=> nil
Time travel!


Although not part of the EventMachine API, BubbleWrap provides an Eventable mixin for use instrumenting objects with simple event triggering behaviour. BW::Reactor uses this behind the scenes in several places, and as it's a very handy idiom it is available as a public API.

> o = Class.new { include EM::Eventable }.new
=> #<#<Class:0xab63f00>:0xab64430>
> o.on(:november_5_1955) { puts "Ow!" }
=> [#<Proc:0xad9bf00>]
> flux = proc{ puts "Flux capacitor!" }
=> #<Proc:0xab630f0>
> o.on(:november_5_1955, &flux)
=> [#<Proc:0xad9bf00>, #<Proc:0xab630f0>]
> o.trigger(:november_5_1955)
Flux capacitor!
=> [nil, nil]
> o.off(:november_5_1955, &flux)
=> #<Proc:0xab630f0>
> o.trigger(:november_5_1955)
=> [nil]


Do you have a suggestion for a specific wrapper? Feel free to open an issue/ticket and tell us about what you are after. If you have a wrapper/helper you are using and are thinking that others might enjoy, please send a pull request (with tests if possible).