

Our task wass to build a back end for an e-commerce site by modifying starter code that was provided to us. We were to configure a working Express.js API. In order to use Sequelize to interact with a MySQL database.

Because this application won’t be deployed, you’ll also need to provide a link to a walkthrough video that demonstrates its functionality and all of the acceptance criteria being met. You’ll need to submit a link to the video and add it to the readme of your project.

I created a walkthrough video that demonstrates its functionality: E-Commerce Walkthrough Video

Technologies used:

  • Java Script
  • MySQL
  • Sequlize
  • Mysql2
  • Node

The application will be invoked by using the following commands:

mysql -u root
source db/schema.sql
npm run seed
npm start

Model code


Api Routes


Screenshot of schema


Demo of app

Demo Gif

License: MIT