This program shows how fast you click using the Raylib library
This is an explanation of the program for my computer science class
import (
rl ""
- strconv: converting numbers to strings to show them on screen.
- time: fetching the time when a click happens to remove clicks that are older than a second
- raylib: for the gui
- slices: manipulate the slices to remove the clicks that are older than a second
func main() {
rl.InitWindow(800, 450, "Click Test")
var clickSlice []time.Time
var rightClickSlice []time.Time
Initialize the GUI and create variables
for !rl.WindowShouldClose() {
currentTime := time.Now()
Draw the frame and get the current time in case a click happens
if rl.IsMouseButtonPressed(0) {
clickSlice = append(clickSlice, currentTime)
if rl.IsMouseButtonPressed(1) {
rightClickSlice = append(rightClickSlice, currentTime)
Add the current time to the slice if a mouse button is pressed
now := time.Now()
if len(clickSlice) > 0 {
for i := 0; i <= len(clickSlice); i++ {
if now.Sub(clickSlice[0]) > 1000000000 {
clickSlice = slices.Delete(clickSlice, 0, 1)
if len(rightClickSlice) > 0 {
for i := 0; i <= len(rightClickSlice); i++ {
if now.Sub(rightClickSlice[0]) > 1000000000 {
rightClickSlice = slices.Delete(rightClickSlice, 0, 1)
Remove cicks that are over a second old from the slice
fontSize := int32(rl.GetRenderWidth() / 40)
textWidth := rl.MeasureText(strconv.Itoa(len(clickSlice))+" | "+strconv.Itoa(len(rightClickSlice))+" clicks per second", fontSize)
textPositionX := int32(rl.GetRenderWidth()/2 - int(textWidth)/2)
textPositionY := int32(rl.GetRenderHeight())/2 - fontSize/2
rl.DrawText(strconv.Itoa(len(clickSlice))+" | "+strconv.Itoa(len(rightClickSlice))+" clicks per second", textPositionX, textPositionY, fontSize, rl.Black)
Draw the window with the clickspeed on screen