Vault to site

A program to convert Obsidian vaults into a static site. At the moment only the basic features of Obsidian are implemented and the program will fail to render certain things correctly, such as resizing an image as shown below.


You can put these in as issues on github as you find them and when I have the time I'll work on adding them. Or, you can fork it and build it out how you want.


Using pip

This is the easiest way.

pip install vault2site

Then just use as you would a normal console app:

vault2site <vault path> <output path>

From source

This assumes you'll be installing it to a virtual environment.

git clone
cd vault2site
virtualenv -p python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

From this point you can run the program as follows:

python app/vault2site/ <vault path> <output path>

Or, alternatively you can use pip and install it:

cd app
pip install .

Then, same as using pip you can run it as:

vault2site <vault path> <output path>


To convert your vault you should first include the .themes folder from the demo_vault folder in this repo into the root folder of your Obsidian vault. The .themes folder contains two files:

  ├─ page.css
  ├─ page.html

The above folder will not be visible from within Obsidian, as it hide files starting with periods by default.

Modifying the theme

The current theme is easily modified by changing the CSS (page.css), but the page.html file, when modified, should still contain the items {{header}}, {{menu}}, and {{body}} or the program won't run.

Add extensions

Currently working on allowing external extensions.