Source code for the art lookup social media platform. A user should be able to create an account, comment and like artwork, and interact with the webpage, which will use Bootstrap on HTML/CSS/JS, generated by Bootstrap Studio.
Kenyon College F19 - SCMP 318 Software Development, Prof. Jim Skon
The full specifications for the original project can be found here.
If you'd like to access R Schultz's version, click here. If you'd like to access M Brydon's version, click here. If you'd like to access S Kim's version, click here.
If you'd like to access the dummy version of the website for the pretty pictures (remember, it's a dummy, so nothing actually works) AND you're on the Kenyon network, you can try to access it at This site is not guaranteed to be reliable, and you should not expect it to be up 100% of the time.
The primary folder for C++ code and SQL query commands.
The HTML, CSS, and JS files required for the webpage.
Some pseudo-C++ code. None of this code is functional, and it includes a lot of English.
The software here is licensed under the MIT license, which can be found in the LICENSE file in /ArtLookup. Some other package licenses may not be present here.