
A plotting software developed in Python, primarily used for quickly creating common energy profile found in scientific literature.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

KimariPlot 是一个开源的 Python 绘图脚本,用来绘制科研中的 Free Energy Profile。KimariPlot 使用简单,可以直接从命令行读取 Toml 文件绘制 Free Energy Profile,可以不需要用鼠标一直拖来拖去,是懒人绘制 Free Energy Profile 的极佳选择。


KimariPlot 可以使用 pip 工具直接安装。

pip install kimariplot

与此同时还需要安装 matplotlib 以及 toml 库(暂时不需要安装 numpy 和 pandas 库,以后可能需要)。

pip install matplotlib, toml


安装完 KimariPlot 之后,可以直接通过如下命令在命令行中运行。接着就会在当前目录下生成 figure.png 图像文件。profile.toml 是一个 toml 文件,用来记录颜色、曲线格式以及绘制所需要的数据。

kimariplot profile.toml

简要介绍一下 toml 文件所需要配置的内容。color 为折线颜色,style 为折线的格式,可以为 ---data 为数据的列表,里面可以包括很多个 3 字符串元素的列表。第一个字符串表示名字;第二个字符串表示反应的进度,一般从 1 开始;第三个字符串表示反应的 Free Energy 能垒,一般都用 kcal/mol 表示。

color = "black"
style = "-"
data = [
    ["Name", "1", "0.0"],
    ["", "", ""],


使用 KimariPlot 命令时可以更改绘图的参数,KimariPlot 支持的参数如下所示。

usage: kimariplot [--help] [--output_type OUTPUT] [--dpi DPI] [--font FONT] [--size SIZE] [--version] input_file

Generate a energy profile using kimariplot

positional arguments:
  input_file            Please input a Toml file

  --help, -h            Show this help message and exit
  --output_type OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        The output type of the graph
  --dpi DPI, -d DPI     The dpi of the output graph
  --font FONT, -f FONT  The font family of the graph
  --size SIZE, -s SIZE  The size of the graph
  --version, -v         show program's version number and exit


本例在 kimariplotexamples/profile1.toml

color = "black"
style = "-"
data = [
    ["7", "1", "-0.7"],
    ["TS1", "2", "22.4"],
    ["8", "3", "10.9"],
    ["TS2", "4", "18.0"],
    ["9", "5", "-8.7"],
    ["10", "6", "-10.0"]

color = "red"
style = "--"
data = [
    ["7", "1", "-0.7"],
    ["TS3", "2", "34.9"],
    ["11", "3", "17.2"],
    ["TS4", "4", "23.8"],
    ["10", "6", "-10.0"]

本例在 kimariplotexamples/profile2.toml

color = "black"
style = "-"
data = [
    ["R", "1", "0.0"],
    ["", "2", "-2.9"],
    ["", "3", "16.6"],
    ["CP2", "4", "-3.6"],
    ["P", "5", "-2.1"]

color = "red"
style = "--"
data = [
    ["R", "1", "0.0"],
    ["CP1", "2", "-4.4"],
    ["TS1", "3", "13.5"],
    ["", "4", "-1.5"],
    ["P", "5", "-2.1"]

color = "blue"
style = "--"
data = [
    ["", "1", "0.0"],
    ["", "2", "1.2"],
    ["", "3", "18.1"],
    ["", "4", "1.3"],
    ["", "5", "-2.1"]

color = "green"
style = "--"
data = [
    ["", "1", "0.0"],
    ["", "2", "2.3"],
    ["", "3", "19.8"],
    ["", "4", "2.5"],
    ["", "5", "-2.1"]

小技巧:如果发现两个坐标的标签重叠了,影响观看,可以将 data 属性中的第二个值错开。例如 example/profile3.toml

color = "black"
style = "-"
data = [
    ["R", "1", "0.0"],
    ["CP1", "3", "-4.6"],
    ["TSa", "4", "-3.4"],
    ["CP2", "6", "-8.7"],
    ["P", "7", "-5.8"],

color = "blue"
style = "--"
data = [
    ["R", "1", "0.0"],
    ["CP0", "2", "-3.9"],
    ["TS0", "3", "4.1"],
    ["CP2a", "4", "-11.8"],
    ["P", "7", "-9.4"],

color = "red"
style = "--"
data = [
    ["R", "1", "0.0"],
    ["CP1s", "3", "-3.3"],
    ["TSs", "4", "-0.88"],
    ["CP2s", "5", "-9.1"],
    ["P", "7", "-5.8"],


KimariPlot 的开发离不开以下开源项目:

  • NumPy
  • Matplotlib
  • SciPy
  • Toml

还要感谢所有为 KimariPlot 做出贡献的开发者 Kimariyb 和用户。


KimariPlot 基于 MIT 许可证开源。这意味着您可以自由地使用、修改和分发代码。有关更多信息,请参见 LICENSE 文件。