Tasty Plant Pizza Co.

By Kim Brannian

A website for the Tasty Plant Pizza Co..

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Git
  • GitHub repositories


A website that will allow users to order a basic plant-based pizza and add toppings of their choice.


  • describe PizzaOrder

test('should correctly create a object with size and toppings') const myPizza = new PizzaOrder("large", ["mushroom","olives"]); expect(myPizza.size).toEqual("large"); expect(myPizza.toppings).toEqual(["mushroom","olives"]);

test('should correctly return the updated cost') const myPizza = new PizzaOrder("large", ["mushroom","olives"]); expect(myPizza.pizzaCost()).toEqual(31.50);

test('should correctly return toppings cost') const myPizza = new PizzaOrder("large", ["mushroom","olives"]); expect(myPizza.addToppings()).toEqual(2.50);

test('should correctly return total pizza cost') const myPizza = new PizzaOrder("large", ["mushroom","olives"]); expect(myPizza.pizzaCost()).toEqual(31.50);

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Navigate to https://github.com/kimberkay/tasty.plant.pizza
  • Click on the green "Code" button and copy the repository URL or click on the copy button
  • Open the terminal on your desktop
  • Once in the terminal, use it to navigate to your desktop folder
  • Once inside your desktop folder, use the command "git clone https:// github.com/kimberkay/tasty-plant-pizza.com"
  • Open the project with the code editor of your choice

Known Bugs

*_Pizza Order still needs to be displayed, cost is there now.


MIT License: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

Copyright (c) 11/05/2021 Kim Brannian _