DCR 2019 Git Workshop

Git workshop for DCR 2019


  • init: initialize folder as git repo
  • status: see what is going on in the repo
  • add: put file(s) into staging area
  • commit: commit files from staging area
  • diff: see the changes that were made between different files. git diff --staged shows what's different after files are staged
  • git diff HEAD~2 (show the differences between current and two commits ago)
  • checkout: move your HEAD around
  • HEAD: where you are currently looking at in history
  • log: looking at all your previous messages
    • log --oneline: get a one line representation of history


  • remote: somewhere your git repo is stored (eg, Github) origin: the default you give your remote
  • push: sending local changes to remote
  • pull: receiving changes from remote


  • git config --list (shows your configs) ls -al (list all hidden files in this folder) nano README.md

git add . vs git add --all git add . is everything in this folder and down git add --all is everything in the repo


  • `branch : create a new branch

  • checkout <branch-name>: move to that branch

  • checkout -b <branch-name>: create and move at the same time

  • branch -a: see what branches we have

  • log --oneline --graph --decorate --all: what is going on?

    • This is a diagram
  • branch -d: delete a branch that was merged - branch -D`: force delete a branch that was not merged

Updating history

rebase <branch-name>: incorporate changes in , e.g. master intro current branch

  • You perform this command on the feature branch, not on the master


  • This is a change to my readme file.