
Framework for Cocos2d v2.1

Primary LanguageObjective-C

##Overview 개요 CMMSimpleframework which coded based on Cocos2d v2.1 will be helpful to develop your cocos2d project!
cocos2d v2.1-rc0 기반으로 짜여진 CMMSimpleframework는 당신의 cocos2d 프로젝트 개발에 도움이 될 것입니다!


  • wirte soon...

##How to use 사용법

  1. required Cocos2d v2.1 library
    Cocos2d v2.1 라이브러리 필요
  2. Download template files.
    템플릿 파일 다운로드.
  3. copy files to ${USER}/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/cocos2d v2.x/
    ${USER}/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/cocos2d v2.x/ 로 파일을 복사합니다.

write soon!

##Migration with exists project 기존프로젝트와 병합

  1. copy and add CMMSimpleFramework library to exists project.
    CMMSimpleFramework 라이브러리를 기존프로젝트에 복사하고 추가합니다.

  2. modify code at ViewController( : UINavigationController)
    ViewController( : UINavigationController)에 코드를 수정합니다.

     @implementation YourViewController
     		if([director_ runningScene] == nil){
     			//touch configuration
     			CCGLView *glView_ = (CCGLView *)[director_ view];
     			[glView_ setMultipleTouchEnabled:YES];
     			[glView_ setTouchDelegate:[CMMScene sharedScene]];
     			//push scene(only once)
     			[director_ pushScene:[CMMScene sharedScene]];
     			//push layer
     			[[CMMScene sharedScene] pushLayer:[HelloWorldLayer node]];

##contact E-mail : kimbobv22@gmail.com

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