
About the project: Nightmare

"Your nightmare is someone else’s reality"

Through our VR experience our vision to solve the problem; gender equality, is creating empathy evoking emotions in our users, enabling them to step into someone else’s shoes. The VR experience will be about different scenarios where the user will live some situations which women all around the world are victims from. These situations will be depicted in a surreal way. Since gender equality is an extense topic we decided to focus on three subtopics: sexual harassment in the workplace, domestic violence and sex trafficking. We chose these three topics because we think they are extremely relevant for the sustainable development goal that was assigned to us: Gender Equality. Sexual harassment is relevant because men and women have to be able to work in an environment that is healthy, inclusive and respectful for both of them, furthermore we chose domestic violence because is common reality that affects both genders inside our society. Finally, we choose sexual trafficking because it infringes upon the first universal human right of the UN that every human being is born free.

For us empathy is an ability that distinguishes us as humans and helps us understand each other, we think it helps us create a connection between humans that we don’t even know is created, this ability was a core idea in our thinking process in the development of our project.

We are hoping that through our VR experience users will be able to get a glimpse into a surreal nightmare that unfortunately is the reality of many people across the globe.