
CLI tool powered by Nornir 3.0 for network automation fast configuration. Support BGP, OSPF, EIGRP, RIP auto-configuration.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fastcli - A tool for network configuration - Nornir 3.0


Run in Cisco Cloud IDE

This public repo contains python codes of a CLI tool, called fastcli, for automatically generation of configuration commands and send these commands to the network. The current version supports the commands for interfaces configuration, OSPF, EIGRP, RIP and BGP configurations.

The environment is pre-configured for setting the BGP configuration of topology 1, under inventory/bgp folder. You can change the topology to be configured by change the variable in the constants.py file.

config_file = "inventory/bgp/config.yaml"

A zip file EVE-NG-topologies.zip that contains 2 network topologies for testing purpose is attached.

Initializing Nornir and Inventory

The inventory/bgp folder contains the following files described the desired state of the network, including:

  • config.yaml
  • defaults.yaml
  • groups.yaml
  • hosts.yaml

There is the tutorial from Nornir website that we need to understand about initializing Nornir, inventory.


###### Routing Groups ######
    routing: eigrp
    routing: ospf
    routing: rip
    routing: bgp
    routing: ibgp
###### Platform Groups ######
  platform: ios
      platform: cisco_ios
      extras: {}
        optional_args: {}

  platform: nxos
      platform: cisco_nxos
      extras: {}
      port: 8443
        optional_args: {}

  platform: xr
      platform: cisco_xr
      extras: {}
      port: 8443
        optional_args: {}


Example of hosts.yaml file for Topology 1: BGP and EIGRP configuration

        - bgp
        - ibgp
        - eigrp
        # interfaces: {name: interface ip address, ...}
        interfaces: {"e0/0": "", "e0/1": "",
                     "s1/0": "", "s1/1": "",
                     "lo0": "", "lo1": "",
                     "lo11": ""}
        asn: 1000
        bgp_advertised: ['', ""]
        # bgp_neighbors: {"remote-as": ["list of remote AS's ip address"], ...}
        bgp_neighbors: {"400": [""], "700": [""]}
        # ibgp_neighbors: {"remote-as": ["list of remote AS's ip address"], ...}
        ibgp_neighbors: {"1000": [""]}
        # ibgp_update_source: {"update_source": ["list of remote AS's ip address"], ...}
        ibgp_update_source: {"lo11": [""]}
        eigrp_advertised: {"100": ["", "", ""]}

        - bgp
        - ibgp
        - eigrp
        interfaces: {"e0/0": "", "e0/1": "",
                     "s1/0": "",
                     "lo0": "", "lo11": ""}
        asn: 1000
        bgp_advertised: ['']
        # bgp_neighbors: {"remote-as": ["list of remote AS's ip address"], ...}
        bgp_neighbors: {"500": [""]}
        # ibgp_neighbors: {"remote-as": ["list of remote AS's ip address"], ...}
        ibgp_neighbors: {"1000": ["", ""]}
        # ibgp_update_source: {"update_source": ["list of remote AS's ip address"], ...}
        ibgp_update_source: {"lo11": ["", ""]}
        eigrp_advertised: {"100": ["", "", ""]}
        route_relector_clients: ["", ""]

The workflow is:

  • Defined the configuration information in hosts.yaml, including:
    • List of interfaces and IP addresses of each device
    • OSPF, BGP, EIGRP information
  • Run the configuration command fastcli interfaces configure, or fastcli bgp configure.
  • Commands will be automatically generated and sent to each device.
  • Confirm the configuration with fastcli show facts --command "sh ip int br", or fastcli show facts --command "sh ip bgp".

Some commands supported

fastcli commands Usage
fastcli interfaces configure configure the Interfaces of all the devices, can be filtered with --device, --group
fastcli show facts --command "any command" show facts with a given command, can be filtered with --device, --group, show
structured data with --structured
fastcli ospf configure --ospf_area 0 configure OSPF routing of all the OSPF routers, can configure each area with: --ospf_area
fastcli ospf stub --ospf_area 0 configure an OSPF area as stub area
fastcli ospf nssa --ospf_area 0 configure an OSPF area as Not-So-Stubby-Area
fastcli bgp eigrp configure configure EIGRP routing of all the EIGRP routers
fastcli rip configure configure RIP routing of all the RIP routers
fastcli bgp configure configure BGP routing of all the BGP routers

Currently, it supports the following commands:

Usage: fastcli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  CLI tool for fast configuration of the network, powerd by Nornir 3.0.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  bgp         Command for BGP configuration
  eigrp       Command for EIGRP configuration
  interfaces  Command for interfaces configuration
  ospf        Commands for OSPF configuration
  rip         Command for RIP configuration
  show        Get information from all devices [], filtered by name or group

And for each command, it supports some subcommands, for example, ospf command:

fastcli ospf
Usage: fastcli ospf [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Commands for OSPF configuration

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  configure  Configure OSPF from the information defined in hosts.yaml
  nssa       Configure an OSPF area as Not-So-Stubby-Area
  stub       Configure an OSPF area as stub area

You can access the help of each subcommand to know about the arguments using fastcli {command} {subcommand} --help, for example:

fastcli ospf configure --help
Usage: fastcli ospf configure [OPTIONS]

  Configure OSPF from the information defined in hosts.yaml

  --device TEXT  Configure only the device
  --group TEXT   Configure all devices belong to the group  [default: ospf]
  --help         Show this message and exit.


To use this code you will need:

  • Python 3.8+
  • A network with SSH connection setup of all devices.

Ubuntu packages:

sudo apt install sqlite3

Install and Setup

Clone the code to local machine.

git clone https://github.com/kimdoanh89/fastcli
cd fastcli

Setup Python Virtual Environment (requires Python 3.8+)

python3.8 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --editable .

The variable config_file in constants.py file needs to be configured before running depends on where you keep your config file.

Example topologies

Topology 1: BGP configuration

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Configuration files under inventory/bgp folder.


  • Check the config_file variable in constants.py
    config_file = "inventory/bgp/config.yaml"
  • Check the paths of host_file, group_file, defaults_file in config.yaml.
  • Define configurations in inventory/bgp/hosts.yaml depends on new topology.
  • Configure interfaces: fastcli interfaces configure.
  • Check the interfaces configuration with fastcli show facts --command "sh ip int br".

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  • Configure eBGP with fastcli bgp external.
  • Check with fastcli show facts --command "sh ip bgp" --group bgp

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  • Configure iBGP with fastcli bgp internal.
  • Check with fastcli show facts --command "sh ip bgp" --group ibgp

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  • Configure EIGRP with fastcli eigrp configure.
  • Check with fastcli show facts --command "sh run | s router eigrp" --group eigrp

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Topology 2: OSPF-EIGRP-RIP configuration

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Configuration files under inventory/ospf-eigrp-rip folder.


  • Check the config_file variable in constants.py
    config_file = "inventory/ospf-eigrp-rip/config.yaml"
  • Check the paths of host_file, group_file, defaults_file in config.yaml.
  • Change configurations in inventory/ospf-eigrp-rip/hosts.yaml depends on new topology.
  • Configure interfaces: fastcli interfaces configure.
  • Check the interfaces configuration with fastcli show facts --command "sh ip int br".

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  • Configure OSPF with fastcli ospf configure.
  • Check with fastcli show facts --command "sh run | s router ospf" --group ospf

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  • Configure EIGRP with fastcli eigrp configure.
  • Check with fastcli show facts --command "sh run | s router eigrp" --group eigrp

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  • Configure RIP with fastcli rip configure.
  • Check with fastcli show facts --command "sh run | s router rip" --group rip

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Testing pyATS

Create testbed.yaml

Capture Golden Config

pyats learn config --testbed-file inventory/bgp/testbed.yaml --output inventory/bgp/output/golden-config

Learn interface, ospf, bgp

pyats learn ospf bgp interface --testbed-file inventory/bgp/testbed.yaml --output inventory/bgp/output



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  • Config File: inventory/bgp/config.yaml
  • Inventory File: inventory/bgp/hosts.yaml

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