
Distributed tracing for Nestjs with AWS X-Ray as the backend. Instrument incoming and outgoing HTTP requests

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This module implements Distributed Tracing with AWS X-Ray for Nest.js services.


  • Automatic tracing for incoming HTTP requests
  • Automatic tracing for outgoing HTTP requests
  • Manual create new Subsegments to trace custom functions



Install this module and aws-sdk-xray:

$ npm i @narando/nest-xray aws-sdk-xray


Register the TracingModule with your app module:

import { TracingModule } from "@narando/nest-xray";

  imports: [TracingModule.forRoot({ serviceName: "your-service-name" })]
export class AppModule {}

Incoming HTTP requests are now automatically traced.

HTTP Client

If you use the HttpModule, you can use this module to auto-trace outgoing HTTP requests.

Replace all usages of HttpModule with HttpTracingModule, and keep the same configuration.

- import { HttpModule } from "@nestjs/common"
+ import { HttpTracingModule } from "@narando/xray-tracing"

   imports: [
-    HttpModule.registerAsync({
+    HttpTracingModule.registerAsync({
       useFactory: async (config: ConfigService) => ({
         baseURL: config.get("api.base_url"),
         timeout: config.get("api.http_timeout"),
         headers: {
           "user-agent": config.get("api.http_user_agent")
       inject: [ConfigService]
   providers: [APIService],
   exports: [APIService]
 export class APIModule {}

Keep using HttpService as before, and all requests are traced as Subsegment and the necessary header for the downstream service is added the the request.

Custom Tracing

If you want to do any of the following things, the TracingService is the right entrypoint:

  • Create custom subsegments for internal functions
  • Add data to the current Segment/Subsegment
import { TracingService } from "@narando/nest-xray";

export class ExternalAPIClient {
    private readonly client: ExternalModule,
    private readonly tracingService: TracingService
  ) {}

  async doThing() {
    // Create Subsegment for any Function
    const subSegment = this.tracingService.createSubSegment("external-doThing");

    let response;

    try {
      response = await client.doThing();
    } catch (err) {
      throw err;




This module uses the Node.js API async_hooks to persist the Segment without having to explicitly pass it around to every function involved. It is what enables the "automatic" part of this module.

This API is currently not considered stable, though I have not yet seen any issues (besides slightly worse performance) from using it. This stability is currently being worked on in nodejs/diagnostics#124.


AsyncContext is an experimental integration of async_hooks into the Nest.js ecosystem. It was initially developed by Kamil Mysliwiec in nestjs/nest#1407 but not merged because async_hooks are not yet stable.

I adopted his implementation into this module for following reasons:

a) It implements all the hard parts with async_hooks and provides enough functionality for our use cases. b) It was developed by the Nest.js Maintainer and is proposed to be merged into Nest.js. If this happens, we may be able to switch to the official implementation without changing any usages of the module.


The TracingModule combines the AsyncContext with the official AWSXRay client. It exports the TracingService, that can be used by other modules to implement additional tracing behaviour (e.g. tracing outgoing http requests).


THe HttpTracingModule wraps the official HttpModule and adds interceptors to the used axios client that automatically trace all outgoing requests.

Known Bugs

  • Only one Subsegment can be persisted at a time. This causes issues when multiple outgoing http requests are made in parallel, some subsegments may never be marked as "finished".
  • The XRay Daemon Address can only be configured through the environment variable.


This repository is published under the MIT License.